// This is an example explaining how to write your own plugins.
// If you want to have your plugins automatically registered:
// - create a directory inside plugins/ and name it the same as your plugin
// - this file should be saved as plugins/<plugin name>/plugin.php
// - the plugin function should be named expose_plugin_<plugin name>
// and accept two parameters: a reference to the Expose object and an
// array containing the parameters as they were given in the template
// calling this plugin.
function expose_plugin_html_ul( & $expose, $params )
// The $params parameter is transformed by exposeMergeParameters(). Plugins
// should always use this function. It will make sure the plugin works when
// not all parameters were given or when the template uses unnamed or a mix
// of named and unnamed parameters.
$params = exposeMergeParameters( $params, array(
'items' => array(),
'attr' => ''
) );
// exposeReadArray() is used to allow comma-separated strings to be used
// instead of an array.
$params['items'] = exposeReadArray( $params['items'] );
// Print the results to the browser. Instead of printing the results, you can
// alternatively return the result as a string by building the string in
// a variable first and using the return statement.
echo( "<ul {$params['attr']}>\n" );
foreach( $params['items'] as $item ) {
echo( "\t<li>$item\n" );
echo( "</ul>\n" );