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File: vault/functions.php

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File: vault/functions.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Check if an IP address is a bad source of traffic
Author: By
Last change: Add an error handler event.

Changelog excerpt:

- Added an error handler event to be able to catch and report errors more
Add an events orchestrator and refactor.
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 89,289 bytes



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<?php /** * This file is a part of the CIDRAM package. * Homepage: * * CIDRAM COPYRIGHT 2016 and beyond by Caleb Mazalevskis (Maikuolan). * * License: GNU/GPLv2 * @see LICENSE.txt * * This file: Functions file (last modified: 2019.09.18). */ /** Autoloader for CIDRAM classes. */ spl_autoload_register(function ($Class) { $Vendor = (($Pos = strpos($Class, "\\", 1)) === false) ? '' : substr($Class, 0, $Pos); $File = __DIR__ . '/classes/' . ((!$Vendor || $Vendor === 'CIDRAM') ? '' : $Vendor . '/') . ( (($Pos = strrpos($Class, "\\")) === false) ? $Class : substr($Class, $Pos + 1) ) . '.php'; if (is_readable($File)) { require $File; } }); /** Instantiate YAML object for accessing data reconstruction and processing various YAML files. */ $CIDRAM['YAML'] = new \Maikuolan\Common\YAML(); /** Instantiate events orchestrator in order to allow malleable logging and etc. */ $CIDRAM['Events'] = new \Maikuolan\Common\Events(); /** * Reads and returns the contents of files. * * @param string $File Path and filename of the file to read. * @return string The file's contents (an empty string on failure). */ $CIDRAM['ReadFile'] = function (string $File): string { if (!is_file($File) || !is_readable($File)) { return ''; } /** Default blocksize (128KB). */ static $Blocksize = 131072; $Filesize = filesize($File); $Size = ($Filesize && $Blocksize) ? ceil($Filesize / $Blocksize) : 0; $Data = ''; if ($Size > 0) { $Handle = fopen($File, 'rb'); $r = 0; while ($r < $Size) { $Data .= fread($Handle, $Blocksize); $r++; } fclose($Handle); } return $Data; }; /** * Replaces encapsulated substrings within a string using the values of the * corresponding elements within an array. * * @param array $Needle An array containing replacement values. * @param string $Haystack The string to work with. * @return string The string with its encapsulated substrings replaced. */ $CIDRAM['ParseVars'] = function (array $Needle, string $Haystack): string { if (!is_array($Needle) || empty($Haystack)) { return ''; } array_walk($Needle, function ($Value, $Key) use (&$Haystack) { if (!is_array($Value)) { $Haystack = str_replace('{' . $Key . '}', $Value, $Haystack); } }); return $Haystack; }; /** * Fetches instructions from the `ignore.dat` file. * * @return array An array listing the sections that CIDRAM should ignore. */ $CIDRAM['FetchIgnores'] = function () use (&$CIDRAM): array { $IgnoreMe = []; $IgnoreFile = $CIDRAM['ReadFile']($CIDRAM['Vault'] . 'ignore.dat'); if (strpos($IgnoreFile, "\r")) { $IgnoreFile = ( strpos($IgnoreFile, "\r\n") !== false ) ? str_replace("\r", '', $IgnoreFile) : str_replace("\r", "\n", $IgnoreFile); } $IgnoreFile = "\n" . $IgnoreFile . "\n"; $PosB = -1; while (true) { $PosA = strpos($IgnoreFile, "\nIgnore ", ($PosB + 1)); if ($PosA === false) { break; } $PosA += 8; if (!$PosB = strpos($IgnoreFile, "\n", $PosA)) { break; } $Tag = substr($IgnoreFile, $PosA, ($PosB - $PosA)); if (strlen($Tag)) { $IgnoreMe[$Tag] = true; } $PosB--; } return $IgnoreMe; }; /** * Tests whether $Addr is an IPv4 address, and if it is, expands its potential * factors (i.e., constructs an array containing the CIDRs that contain $Addr). * Returns false if $Addr is *not* an IPv4 address, and otherwise, returns the * contructed array. * * @param string $Addr Refer to the description above. * @param bool $ValidateOnly If true, just checks if the IP is valid only. * @param int $FactorLimit Maximum number of CIDRs to return (default: 32). * @return bool|array Refer to the description above. */ $CIDRAM['ExpandIPv4'] = function (string $Addr, bool $ValidateOnly = false, int $FactorLimit = 32) { if (!preg_match( '/^([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$/i', $Addr, $Octets )) { return false; } if ($ValidateOnly) { return true; } $CIDRs = []; $Base = [0, 0, 0, 0]; for ($Cycle = 0; $Cycle < 4; $Cycle++) { for ($Size = 128, $Step = 0; $Step < 8; $Step++, $Size /= 2) { $CIDR = $Step + ($Cycle * 8); $Base[$Cycle] = floor($Octets[$Cycle + 1] / $Size) * $Size; $CIDRs[$CIDR] = $Base[0] . '.' . $Base[1] . '.' . $Base[2] . '.' . $Base[3] . '/' . ($CIDR + 1); if ($CIDR >= $FactorLimit) { break 2; } } } return $CIDRs; }; /** * Tests whether $Addr is an IPv6 address, and if it is, expands its potential * factors (i.e., constructs an array containing the CIDRs that contain $Addr). * Returns false if $Addr is *not* an IPv6 address, and otherwise, returns the * contructed array. * * @param string $Addr Refer to the description above. * @param bool $ValidateOnly If true, just checks if the IP is valid only. * @param int $FactorLimit Maximum number of CIDRs to return (default: 128). * @return bool|array Refer to the description above. */ $CIDRAM['ExpandIPv6'] = function (string $Addr, bool $ValidateOnly = false, int $FactorLimit = 128) { /** * The REGEX pattern used by this `preg_match` call was adapted from the * IPv6 REGEX pattern that can be found at * */ if (!preg_match( '/^(([\da-f]{1,4}\:){7}[\da-f]{1,4})|(([\da-f]{1,4}\:){6}\:[\da-f]{1' . ',4})|(([\da-f]{1,4}\:){5}\:([\da-f]{1,4}\:)?[\da-f]{1,4})|(([\da-f]' . '{1,4}\:){4}\:([\da-f]{1,4}\:){0,2}[\da-f]{1,4})|(([\da-f]{1,4}\:){3' . '}\:([\da-f]{1,4}\:){0,3}[\da-f]{1,4})|(([\da-f]{1,4}\:){2}\:([\da-f' . ']{1,4}\:){0,4}[\da-f]{1,4})|(([\da-f]{1,4}\:){6}((\b((25[0-5])|(1\d' . '{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(\d{1,2}))\b).){3}(\b((25[0-5])|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)' . '|(\d{1,2}))\b))|(([\da-f]{1,4}\:){0,5}\:((\b((25[0-5])|(1\d{2})|(2[' . '0-4]\d)|(\d{1,2}))\b).){3}(\b((25[0-5])|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(\d{1,2' . '}))\b))|(\:\:([\da-f]{1,4}\:){0,5}((\b((25[0-5])|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d' . ')|(\d{1,2}))\b).){3}(\b((25[0-5])|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(\d{1,2}))\b)' . ')|([\da-f]{1,4}\:\:([\da-f]{1,4}\:){0,5}[\da-f]{1,4})|(\:\:([\da-f]' . '{1,4}\:){0,6}[\da-f]{1,4})|(([\da-f]{1,4}\:){1,7}\:)$/i', $Addr)) { return false; } if ($ValidateOnly) { return true; } $NAddr = $Addr; if (preg_match('/^\:\:/i', $NAddr)) { $NAddr = '0' . $NAddr; } if (preg_match('/\:\:$/i', $NAddr)) { $NAddr .= '0'; } if (strpos($NAddr, '::') !== false) { $Key = 7 - substr_count($Addr, ':'); $Arr = [':0:', ':0:0:', ':0:0:0:', ':0:0:0:0:', ':0:0:0:0:0:', ':0:0:0:0:0:0:']; if (!isset($Arr[$Key])) { return false; } $NAddr = str_replace('::', $Arr[$Key], $Addr); unset($Arr, $Key); } $NAddr = explode(':', $NAddr); if (count($NAddr) !== 8) { return false; } for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { $NAddr[$i] = hexdec($NAddr[$i]); } $CIDRs = []; $Base = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for ($Cycle = 0; $Cycle < 8; $Cycle++) { for ($Size = 32768, $Step = 0; $Step < 16; $Step++, $Size /= 2) { $CIDR = $Step + ($Cycle * 16); $Base[$Cycle] = dechex(floor($NAddr[$Cycle] / $Size) * $Size); $CIDRs[$CIDR] = $Base[0] . ':' . $Base[1] . ':' . $Base[2] . ':' . $Base[3] . ':' . $Base[4] . ':' . $Base[5] . ':' . $Base[6] . ':' . $Base[7] . '/' . ($CIDR + 1); if ($CIDR >= $FactorLimit) { break 2; } } } if ($FactorLimit > 128) { $FactorLimit = 128; } for ($CIDR = 0; $CIDR < $FactorLimit; $CIDR++) { if (strpos($CIDRs[$CIDR], '::') !== false) { $CIDRs[$CIDR] = preg_replace('/(\:0)*\:\:(0\:)*/i', '::', $CIDRs[$CIDR], 1); $CIDRs[$CIDR] = str_replace('::0/', '::/', $CIDRs[$CIDR]); continue; } if (strpos($CIDRs[$CIDR], ':0:0/') !== false) { $CIDRs[$CIDR] = preg_replace('/(\:0){2,}\//i', '::/', $CIDRs[$CIDR], 1); continue; } if (strpos($CIDRs[$CIDR], ':0:0:') !== false) { $CIDRs[$CIDR] = preg_replace('/(\:0)+\:(0\:)+/i', '::', $CIDRs[$CIDR], 1); $CIDRs[$CIDR] = str_replace('::0/', '::/', $CIDRs[$CIDR]); continue; } } return $CIDRs; }; /** * Gets tags from signature files. * * @param string $Haystack The haystack to search within for the target tag. * @param int $Offset The position to start searching from within the haystack. * @param string $Tag The tag we're trying to get. * @param string $DefTag The value to use when the target tag isn't found. * @return string The value of the tag we're trying to get, or of DefTag. */ $CIDRAM['Getter'] = function (string $Haystack, int $Offset, string $Tag, string $DefTag): string { $Key = "\n" . $Tag . ': '; $KeyLen = strlen($Key); return ( ($PosX = strpos($Haystack, $Key, $Offset)) && ($PosY = strpos($Haystack, "\n", $PosX + 1)) && !substr_count($Haystack, "\n\n", $Offset, $PosX - $Offset + 1) ) ? substr($Haystack, $PosX + $KeyLen, $PosY - $PosX - $KeyLen) : $DefTag; }; /** * Checks CIDRs (generally, potential factors expanded from IP addresses) * against the IPv4/IPv6 signature files, and if any matches are found, * increments `$CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['SignatureCount']`, and * appends to `$CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['ReasonMessage']`. * * @param array $Files Which IPv4/IPv6 signature files to check against. * @param array $Factors Which CIDRs/factors to check against. * @throws Exception if a triggered signature indicates a non-existent file to run. * @return bool Returns true. */ $CIDRAM['CheckFactors'] = function (array $Files, array $Factors) use (&$CIDRAM): bool { $Counts = [ 'Files' => count($Files), 'Factors' => count($Factors) ]; if (!isset($CIDRAM['FileCache'])) { $CIDRAM['FileCache'] = []; } for ($FileIndex = 0; $FileIndex < $Counts['Files']; $FileIndex++) { $Files[$FileIndex] = ( strpos($Files[$FileIndex], ':') === false ) ? $Files[$FileIndex] : substr($Files[$FileIndex], strpos($Files[$FileIndex], ':') + 1); if (!$Files[$FileIndex]) { continue; } if ($Counts['Factors'] === 32) { $DefTag = $Files[$FileIndex] . '-IPv4'; } elseif ($Counts['Factors'] === 128) { $DefTag = $Files[$FileIndex] . '-IPv6'; } else { $DefTag = $Files[$FileIndex] . '-Unknown'; } $FileExtension = strtolower(substr($Files[$FileIndex], -4)); if (!isset($CIDRAM['FileCache'][$Files[$FileIndex]])) { $CIDRAM['FileCache'][$Files[$FileIndex]] = $CIDRAM['ReadFile']($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $Files[$FileIndex]); } if (!$Files[$FileIndex] = $CIDRAM['FileCache'][$Files[$FileIndex]]) { continue; } if ( $FileExtension === '.csv' && strpos($Files[$FileIndex], "\n") === false && strpos($Files[$FileIndex], "\r") === false && strpos($Files[$FileIndex], ",") !== false ) { $Files[$FileIndex] = ',' . $Files[$FileIndex] . ','; $SigFormat = 'CSV'; } else { $SigFormat = 'DAT'; } if ($Counts['Factors'] === 32) { if ($SigFormat === 'CSV') { $NoCIDR = ',' . substr($Factors[31], 0, -3) . ','; $LastCIDR = ',' . $Factors[31] . ','; } else { $NoCIDR = "\n" . substr($Factors[31], 0, -3) . ' '; $LastCIDR = "\n" . $Factors[31] . ' '; } } elseif ($Counts['Factors'] === 128) { if ($SigFormat === 'CSV') { $NoCIDR = ',' . substr($Factors[127], 0, -4) . ','; $LastCIDR = ',' . $Factors[127] . ','; } else { $NoCIDR = "\n" . substr($Factors[127], 0, -4) . ' '; $LastCIDR = "\n" . $Factors[127] . ' '; } } if (strpos($Files[$FileIndex], $NoCIDR) !== false) { $Files[$FileIndex] = str_replace($NoCIDR, $LastCIDR, $Files[$FileIndex]); } if ($SigFormat === 'CSV') { $LN = ' ("' . $DefTag . '", L0:F' . $FileIndex . ')'; for ($FactorIndex = 0; $FactorIndex < $Counts['Factors']; $FactorIndex++) { if ($Infractions = substr_count($Files[$FileIndex], ',' . $Factors[$FactorIndex] . ',')) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['ReasonMessage'] = $CIDRAM['L10N']->getString('ReasonMessage_Generic'); if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= ', '; } $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= $CIDRAM['L10N']->getString('Short_Generic') . $LN; if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= ', '; } $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= $Factors[$FactorIndex]; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['SignatureCount'] += $Infractions; } } continue; } if (strpos($Files[$FileIndex], "\r") !== false) { $Files[$FileIndex] = (strpos($Files[$FileIndex], "\r\n")) ? str_replace("\r", '', $Files[$FileIndex]) : str_replace("\r", "\n", $Files[$FileIndex]); } $Files[$FileIndex] = "\n" . $Files[$FileIndex] . "\n"; for ($FactorIndex = 0; $FactorIndex < $Counts['Factors']; $FactorIndex++) { $PosB = -1; while (true) { $PosA = strpos($Files[$FileIndex], "\n" . $Factors[$FactorIndex] . ' ', ($PosB + 1)); if ($PosA === false) { break; } $PosA += strlen($Factors[$FactorIndex]) + 2; if (!$PosB = strpos($Files[$FileIndex], "\n", $PosA)) { break; } if ($DefersTo = $CIDRAM['Getter']($Files[$FileIndex], $PosA, 'Defers to', '')) { $DefersTo = preg_quote($DefersTo); if ( preg_match('~(?:^|,)' . $DefersTo . '(?:$|,)~i', $CIDRAM['Config']['signatures']['ipv4']) || preg_match('~(?:^|,)' . $DefersTo . '(?:$|,)~i', $CIDRAM['Config']['signatures']['ipv6']) ) { continue; } } if ( ($Expires = $CIDRAM['Getter']($Files[$FileIndex], $PosA, 'Expires', '')) && ($Expires = $CIDRAM['FetchExpires']($Expires)) && $Expires < $CIDRAM['Now'] ) { continue; } $Tag = $CIDRAM['Getter']($Files[$FileIndex], $PosA, 'Tag', $DefTag); if (!empty($CIDRAM['Ignore'][$Tag])) { continue; } $Origin = ( $Origin = $CIDRAM['Getter']($Files[$FileIndex], $PosA, 'Origin', '') ) ? ', [' . $Origin . ']' : ''; if ( ($PosX = strpos($Files[$FileIndex], "\n---\n", $PosA)) && ($PosY = strpos($Files[$FileIndex], "\n\n", ($PosX + 1))) && !substr_count($Files[$FileIndex], "\n\n", $PosA, ($PosX - $PosA + 1)) ) { if (!isset($YAML)) { $YAML = new \Maikuolan\Common\YAML(); } $YAML->process(substr($Files[$FileIndex], ($PosX + 5), ($PosY - $PosX - 5)), $CIDRAM['Config']); } $LN = ' ("' . $Tag . '", L' . substr_count($Files[$FileIndex], "\n", 0, $PosA) . ':F' . $FileIndex . $Origin . ')'; $Signature = substr($Files[$FileIndex], $PosA, ($PosB - $PosA)); if (!$Category = substr($Signature, 0, strpos($Signature, ' '))) { $Category = $Signature; } else { $Signature = substr($Signature, strpos($Signature, ' ') + 1); } $RunExitCode = 0; if ($Category === 'Run') { if (!isset($CIDRAM['RunParamResCache'])) { $CIDRAM['RunParamResCache'] = []; } if (isset($CIDRAM['RunParamResCache'][$Signature]) && is_object($CIDRAM['RunParamResCache'][$Signature])) { $RunExitCode = $CIDRAM['RunParamResCache'][$Signature]($Factors, $FactorIndex, $LN, $Tag); } else { if (file_exists($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $Signature)) { require_once $CIDRAM['Vault'] . $Signature; } else { throw new \Exception($CIDRAM['ParseVars']( ['FileName' => $Signature], '[CIDRAM] ' . $CIDRAM['L10N']->getString('Error_MissingRequire') )); } } } if ($Category === 'Whitelist' || $RunExitCode === 3) { $CIDRAM['ZeroOutBlockInfo'](true); break 3; } if ($Category === 'Greylist' || $RunExitCode === 2) { $CIDRAM['ZeroOutBlockInfo'](); break 2; } if ($Category === 'Deny') { $DenyMatched = false; foreach ([ ['Type' => 'Bogon', 'Config' => 'block_bogons', 'ReasonLong' => 'ReasonMessage_Bogon', 'ReasonShort' => 'Short_Bogon'], ['Type' => 'Cloud', 'Config' => 'block_cloud', 'ReasonLong' => 'ReasonMessage_Cloud', 'ReasonShort' => 'Short_Cloud'], ['Type' => 'Generic', 'Config' => 'block_generic', 'ReasonLong' => 'ReasonMessage_Generic', 'ReasonShort' => 'Short_Generic'], ['Type' => 'Legal', 'Config' => 'block_legal', 'ReasonLong' => 'ReasonMessage_Legal', 'ReasonShort' => 'Short_Legal'], ['Type' => 'Malware', 'Config' => 'block_malware', 'ReasonLong' => 'ReasonMessage_Malware', 'ReasonShort' => 'Short_Malware'], ['Type' => 'Proxy', 'Config' => 'block_proxies', 'ReasonLong' => 'ReasonMessage_Proxy', 'ReasonShort' => 'Short_Proxy'], ['Type' => 'Spam', 'Config' => 'block_spam', 'ReasonLong' => 'ReasonMessage_Spam', 'ReasonShort' => 'Short_Spam'] ] as $Params) { if ($Signature === $Params['Type']) { if (empty($CIDRAM['Config']['signatures'][$Params['Config']])) { continue 2; } $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['ReasonMessage'] = $CIDRAM['L10N']->getString($Params['ReasonLong']); if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= ', '; } $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= $CIDRAM['L10N']->getString($Params['ReasonShort']) . $LN; $DenyMatched = true; break; } } if (!$DenyMatched) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['ReasonMessage'] = $Signature; if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= ', '; } $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= $Signature . $LN; } if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= ', '; } $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= $Factors[$FactorIndex]; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['SignatureCount']++; } } } } return true; }; /** * Initialises all IPv4/IPv6 tests. * * @param string $Addr The IP address to check. * @param bool $Retain Specifies whether we need to retain factors for later. * @throws Exception if CheckFactors throws an exception. * @return bool Returns false if all tests fail, or true otherwise. */ $CIDRAM['RunTests'] = function (string $Addr, bool $Retain = false) use (&$CIDRAM): bool { if (!isset($CIDRAM['BlockInfo'])) { return false; } if (!isset($CIDRAM['Ignore'])) { $CIDRAM['Ignore'] = $CIDRAM['FetchIgnores'](); } $CIDRAM['Whitelisted'] = false; $CIDRAM['LastTestIP'] = 0; if ($IPv4Factors = $CIDRAM['ExpandIPv4']($Addr)) { $IPv4Files = empty( $CIDRAM['Config']['signatures']['ipv4'] ) ? [] : explode(',', $CIDRAM['Config']['signatures']['ipv4']); try { $IPv4Test = $CIDRAM['CheckFactors']($IPv4Files, $IPv4Factors); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); } if ($IPv4Test) { $CIDRAM['LastTestIP'] = 4; if ($Retain) { $CIDRAM['Factors'] = $IPv4Factors; } } } else { $IPv4Test = false; } if ($IPv6Factors = $CIDRAM['ExpandIPv6']($Addr)) { $IPv6Files = empty( $CIDRAM['Config']['signatures']['ipv6'] ) ? [] : explode(',', $CIDRAM['Config']['signatures']['ipv6']); try { $IPv6Test = $CIDRAM['CheckFactors']($IPv6Files, $IPv6Factors); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); } if ($IPv6Test) { $CIDRAM['LastTestIP'] = 6; if ($Retain) { $CIDRAM['Factors'] = $IPv6Factors; } } } else { $IPv6Test = false; } return ($IPv4Test || $IPv6Test); }; /** * Zeros out blockinfo and optionally sets the whitelisted flag. * * @param bool $Whitelist Whether to set the whitelisted flag. */ $CIDRAM['ZeroOutBlockInfo'] = function (bool $Whitelist = false) use (&$CIDRAM) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] = ''; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['ReasonMessage'] = ''; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] = ''; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['SignatureCount'] = 0; if ($Whitelist) { $CIDRAM['Whitelisted'] = true; } }; /** * Reduces code duplicity (the contained code used by multiple parts of the * script for dealing with expiry tags). * * @param string $in Expiry tag. * @return int|bool A unix timestamp representing the expiry tag, or false if * the expiry tag doesn't contain a valid ISO 8601 date/time. */ $CIDRAM['FetchExpires'] = function (string $in) { static $CommonPart = '([12]\d{3})(?:\xe2\x88\x92|[\x2d-\x2f\x5c])?(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(?:\xe2\x88\x92|[\x2d-\x2f\x5c])?(0[1-9]|[1-2]\d|3[01])'; if ( preg_match('/^' . $CommonPart . '\x20?T?([01]\d|2[0-3])[\x2d\x2e\x3a]?([0-5]\d)[\x2d\x2e\x3a]?([0-5]\d)$/i', $in, $Arr) || preg_match('/^' . $CommonPart . '\x20?T?([01]\d|2[0-3])[\x2d\x2e\x3a]?([0-5]\d)$/i', $in, $Arr) || preg_match('/^' . $CommonPart . '\x20?T?([01]\d|2[0-3])$/i', $in, $Arr) || preg_match('/^' . $CommonPart . '$/i', $in, $Arr) || preg_match('/^([12]\d{3})(?:\xe2\x88\x92|[\x2d-\x2f\x5c])?(0[1-9]|1[0-2])$/i', $in, $Arr) || preg_match('/^([12]\d{3})$/i', $in, $Arr) ) { $Arr = [ (int)$Arr[1], isset($Arr[2]) ? (int)$Arr[2] : 1, isset($Arr[3]) ? (int)$Arr[3] : 1, isset($Arr[4]) ? (int)$Arr[4] : 0, isset($Arr[5]) ? (int)$Arr[5] : 0, isset($Arr[6]) ? (int)$Arr[6] : 0 ]; $Expires = mktime($Arr[3], $Arr[4], $Arr[5], $Arr[1], $Arr[2], $Arr[0]); return $Expires ?: false; } return false; }; /** * A simple closure for replacing date/time placeholders with corresponding * date/time information. Used by the logfiles and some timestamps. * * @param int $Time A unix timestamp. * @param string|array $In An input or an array of inputs to manipulate. * @return string|array The adjusted input(/s). */ $CIDRAM['TimeFormat'] = function (int $Time, $In) use (&$CIDRAM) { $Time = date('dmYHisDMP', $Time); $values = [ 'dd' => substr($Time, 0, 2), 'mm' => substr($Time, 2, 2), 'yyyy' => substr($Time, 4, 4), 'yy' => substr($Time, 6, 2), 'hh' => substr($Time, 8, 2), 'ii' => substr($Time, 10, 2), 'ss' => substr($Time, 12, 2), 'Day' => substr($Time, 14, 3), 'Mon' => substr($Time, 17, 3), 'tz' => substr($Time, 20, 3) . substr($Time, 24, 2), 't:z' => substr($Time, 20, 6) ]; $values['d'] = (int)$values['dd']; $values['m'] = (int)$values['mm']; return is_array($In) ? array_map(function ($Item) use (&$values, &$CIDRAM) { return $CIDRAM['ParseVars']($values, $Item); }, $In) : $CIDRAM['ParseVars']($values, $In); }; /** * Fix incorrect typecasting for some for some variables that sometimes default * to strings instead of booleans or integers. * * @param mixed $Var The variable to fix (passed by reference). * @param string $Type The type (or pseudo-type) to cast the variable to. */ $CIDRAM['AutoType'] = function (&$Var, string $Type = '') use (&$CIDRAM) { if (in_array($Type, ['string', 'timezone', 'checkbox', 'url', 'email'], true)) { $Var = (string)$Var; } elseif ($Type === 'int') { $Var = (int)$Var; } elseif ($Type === 'float') { $Var = (float)$Var; } elseif ($Type === 'bool') { $Var = (strtolower($Var) !== 'false' && $Var); } elseif ($Type === 'kb') { $Var = $CIDRAM['ReadBytes']((string)$Var, 1); } else { $LVar = strtolower($Var); if ($LVar === 'true') { $Var = true; } elseif ($LVar === 'false') { $Var = false; } elseif ($Var !== true && $Var !== false) { $Var = (int)$Var; } } }; /** * Performs fallbacks and autotyping for missing configuration directives. * * @param array $Fallbacks Fallback source. * @param array $Config Configuration source. */ $CIDRAM['Fallback'] = function (array $Fallbacks, array &$Config) use (&$CIDRAM) { foreach ($Fallbacks as $KeyCat => $DCat) { if (!isset($Config[$KeyCat])) { $Config[$KeyCat] = []; } if (isset($Cat)) { unset($Cat); } $Cat = &$Config[$KeyCat]; if (!is_array($DCat)) { continue; } foreach ($DCat as $DKey => $DData) { if (!isset($Cat[$DKey]) && isset($DData['default'])) { $Cat[$DKey] = $DData['default']; } if (isset($Dir)) { unset($Dir); } $Dir = &$Cat[$DKey]; if (isset($DData['type'])) { $CIDRAM['AutoType']($Dir, $DData['type']); } } } }; /** * Check for supplementary configuration. * * @param string $Source The directive or CSV that we're checking from. * @return array An array of valid supplementary configuration sources. */ $CIDRAM['Supplementary'] = function (string $Source) use (&$CIDRAM): array { $Out = []; $Source = explode(',', $Source); foreach ($Source as $File) { if (($DecPos = strpos($File, '.')) === false) { continue; } $File = substr($File, 0, $DecPos) . '.yaml'; if (file_exists($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $File)) { $Out[] = $File; } } return $Out; }; /** * Used to send cURL requests. * * @param string $URI The resource to request. * @param array $Params An optional associative array of key-value pairs to * send with the request. * @param int $Timeout An optional timeout limit. * @param array $Headers An optional array of headers to send with the request. * @param int $Depth Recursion depth of the current closure instance. * @return string The results of the request, or an empty string upon failure. */ $CIDRAM['Request'] = function (string $URI, array $Params = [], int $Timeout = -1, array $Headers = [], int $Depth = 0) use (&$CIDRAM): string { /** Fetch channel information. */ if (!isset($CIDRAM['Channels'])) { $CIDRAM['Channels'] = ( $Channels = $CIDRAM['ReadFile']($CIDRAM['Vault'] . 'channels.yaml') ) ? (new \Maikuolan\Common\YAML($Channels))->Data : []; if (!isset($CIDRAM['Channels']['Triggers'])) { $CIDRAM['Channels']['Triggers'] = []; } } /** Test channel triggers. */ foreach ($CIDRAM['Channels']['Triggers'] as $TriggerName => $TriggerURI) { if ( !isset($CIDRAM['Channels'][$TriggerName]) || !is_array($CIDRAM['Channels'][$TriggerName]) || substr($URI, 0, strlen($TriggerURI)) !== $TriggerURI ) { continue; } foreach ($CIDRAM['Channels'][$TriggerName] as $Channel => $Options) { if (!is_array($Options) || !isset($Options[$TriggerName])) { continue; } $Len = strlen($Options[$TriggerName]); if (substr($URI, 0, $Len) !== $Options[$TriggerName]) { continue; } unset($Options[$TriggerName]); if (empty($Options) || $CIDRAM['in_csv'](key($Options), $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['disabled_channels'])) { continue; } $AlternateURI = current($Options) . substr($URI, $Len); break; } if ($CIDRAM['in_csv']($TriggerName, $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['disabled_channels'])) { if (isset($AlternateURI)) { return $CIDRAM['Request']($AlternateURI, $Params, $Timeout, $Headers, $Depth); } return ''; } break; } /** Initialise the cURL session. */ $Request = curl_init($URI); $LCURI = strtolower($URI); $SSL = (substr($LCURI, 0, 6) === 'https:'); curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, true); curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); if (empty($Params)) { curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_POST, false); } else { curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $Params); } if ($SSL) { curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, CURLPROTO_HTTPS); curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); } curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 1); curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, ($Timeout > 0 ? $Timeout : $CIDRAM['Timeout'])); curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $CIDRAM['ScriptUA']); curl_setopt($Request, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $Headers ?: []); /** Execute and get the response. */ $Response = curl_exec($Request); /** Check for problems (e.g., resource not found, server errors, etc). */ if (($Info = curl_getinfo($Request)) && is_array($Info) && isset($Info['http_code'])) { /** Most recent HTTP code flag. */ $CIDRAM['Most-Recent-HTTP-Code'] = $Info['http_code']; /** Request failed. Try again using an alternative address. */ if ($Info['http_code'] >= 400 && isset($AlternateURI) && $Depth < 3) { curl_close($Request); return $CIDRAM['Request']($AlternateURI, $Params, $Timeout, $Headers, $Depth + 1); } } else { /** Most recent HTTP code flag. */ $CIDRAM['Most-Recent-HTTP-Code'] = 200; } /** Close the cURL session. */ curl_close($Request); /** Return the results of the request. */ return $Response; }; /** * Performs reverse DNS lookups for IP addresses, to resolve their hostnames. * This is functionally equivalent to the in-built "gethostbyaddr" PHP * function, but with the added benefit of being able to specify which DNS * servers to use for lookups, and of being able to enforce timeouts, which * should help to avoid some of the problems normally encountered by using * "gethostbyaddr". * * @param string $Addr The IP address to look up. * @param string $DNS An optional, comma delimited list of DNS servers to use. * @param int $Timeout The timeout limit (optional; defaults to 5 seconds). * @return string The hostname on success, or the IP address on failure. */ $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverse'] = function (string $Addr, string $DNS = '', int $Timeout = 5) use (&$CIDRAM): string { /** Shouldn't try to reverse localhost addresses; There'll be problems. */ if ($Addr === '' || $Addr === '::1') { return 'localhost'; } /** We've already got it cached. We can return the results early. */ if (isset($CIDRAM['DNS-Reverses'][$Addr]['Host'])) { return $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverses'][$Addr]['Host']; } /** The IP address is IPv4. */ if (strpos($Addr, '.') !== false && strpos($Addr, ':') === false && preg_match( '/^([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])' . '\.([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$/i', $Addr, $Octets)) { $Lookup = chr(strlen($Octets[4])) . $Octets[4] . chr(strlen($Octets[3])) . $Octets[3] . chr(strlen($Octets[2])) . $Octets[2] . chr(strlen($Octets[1])) . $Octets[1] . "\7in-addr\4arpa\0\0\x0c\0\1"; } /** The IP address is IPv6. */ elseif (strpos($Addr, '.') === false && strpos($Addr, ':') !== false && $CIDRAM['ExpandIPv6']($Addr, true)) { $Lookup = $Addr; if (strpos($Addr, '::') !== false) { $Repeat = 8 - substr_count($Addr, ':'); $Lookup = str_replace('::', str_repeat(':0', ($Repeat < 1 ? 0 : $Repeat)) . ':', $Lookup); } while (strlen($Lookup) < 39) { $Lookup = preg_replace( ['/^:/', '/:$/', '/^([\da-f]{1,3}):/i', '/:([\da-f]{1,3})$/i', '/:([\da-f]{1,3}):/i'], ['0:', ':0', '0\1:', ':0\1', ':0\1:'], $Lookup ); } $Lookup = strrev(preg_replace(['/\:/', '/(.)/'], ['', "\\1\1"], $Lookup)) . "\3ip6\4arpa\0\0\x0c\0\1"; } /** The IP address is.. wrong. Let's exit the closure. */ else { return $Addr; } /** Sending UDP is usually pointless if we're not on root. */ if (!isset($CIDRAM['Root'])) { $CIDRAM['Root'] = (!function_exists('posix_getuid') || posix_getuid() === 0); } /** Use gethostbyaddr if enabled and if we anticipate UDP failing. */ if (!$CIDRAM['Root'] && $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['allow_gethostbyaddr_lookup']) { return $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverse-Fallback']($Addr); } /** Some safety mechanisms. */ if (!isset($CIDRAM['_allow_url_fopen'])) { $CIDRAM['_allow_url_fopen'] = ini_get('allow_url_fopen'); $CIDRAM['_allow_url_fopen'] = !(!$CIDRAM['_allow_url_fopen'] || $CIDRAM['_allow_url_fopen'] == 'Off'); } if (!$CIDRAM['Root'] || empty($Lookup) || !function_exists('fsockopen') || !$CIDRAM['_allow_url_fopen']) { return $Addr; } $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverses'][$Addr] = ['Host' => $Addr, 'Time' => $CIDRAM['Now'] + 21600]; $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverses-Modified'] = true; /** DNS is disabled. Let's exit the closure. */ if (!$DNS && !$DNS = $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['default_dns']) { return ($CIDRAM['Config']['general']['allow_gethostbyaddr_lookup']) ? $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverse-Fallback']($Addr) : $Addr; } /** Expand list of lookup servers. */ $DNS = explode(',', $DNS); /** UDP padding. */ $LeftPad = str_pad(rand(0, 99), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "\1\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0"; /** Perform the lookup. */ foreach ($DNS as $Server) { if (!empty($Response) || !$Server) { break; } $Handle = fsockopen('udp://' . $Server, 53); if ($Handle !== false) { fwrite($Handle, $LeftPad . $Lookup); stream_set_timeout($Handle, $Timeout); stream_set_blocking($Handle, true); $Response = fread($Handle, 1024); fclose($Handle); } } /** No response, or failed lookup. Let's exit the closure. */ if (empty($Response)) { return ( $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['allow_gethostbyaddr_lookup'] ) ? $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverse-Fallback']($Addr) : ($CIDRAM['DNS-Reverses'][$Addr]['Host'] = $Addr); } /** We got a response! Now let's process it accordingly. */ $Host = ''; if (($Pos = strpos($Response, $Lookup)) !== false) { $Pos += strlen($Lookup) + 12; while (($Byte = substr($Response, $Pos, 1)) && $Byte !== "\0") { if ($Host) { $Host .= '.'; } $Len = hexdec(bin2hex($Byte)); $Host .= substr($Response, $Pos + 1, $Len); $Pos += 1 + $Len; } } /** Return results. */ return $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverses'][$Addr]['Host'] = preg_replace('/[^:\da-z._~-]/i', '', $Host) ?: $Addr; }; /** Aliases for "DNS-Reverse". */ $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverse-IPv4'] = $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverse-IPv6'] = $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverse']; /** * Fallback for failed lookups. * * @param string $Addr The IP address to look up. * @return string The results of gethostbyaddr(), or the IP address verbatim. */ $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverse-Fallback'] = function (string $Addr) use (&$CIDRAM): string { $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverses'][$Addr] = ['Host' => $Addr, 'Time' => $CIDRAM['Now'] + 21600]; $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverses-Modified'] = true; /** Return results. */ return $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverses'][$Addr]['Host'] = preg_replace('/[^:\da-z._~-]/i', '', gethostbyaddr($Addr)) ?: $Addr; }; /** * Performs forward DNS lookups for hostnames, to resolve their IP address. * This is functionally equivalent to the in-built PHP function * "gethostbyname", but with the added benefits of having IPv6 support and of * being able to enforce timeout limits, which should help to avoid some of the * problems normally associated with using "gethostbyname"). * * @param string $Host The hostname to look up. * @param int $Timeout The timeout limit (optional; defaults to 5 seconds). * @return string The IP address on success, or an empty string on failure. */ $CIDRAM['DNS-Resolve'] = function (string $Host, int $Timeout = 5) use (&$CIDRAM) { if (isset($CIDRAM['DNS-Forwards'][$Host]['IPAddr'])) { return $CIDRAM['DNS-Forwards'][$Host]['IPAddr']; } $Host = urlencode($Host); if (($HostLen = strlen($Host)) > 253) { return ''; } static $Valid = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-._~'; $CIDRAM['DNS-Forwards'][$Host] = ['IPAddr' => '', 'Time' => $CIDRAM['Now'] + 21600]; $CIDRAM['DNS-Forwards-Modified'] = true; $URI = '' . urlencode($Host) . '&random_padding='; $PadLen = 204 - $HostLen; if ($PadLen < 1) { $PadLen = 972 - $HostLen; } while ($PadLen > 0) { $PadLen--; $URI .= str_shuffle($Valid)[0]; } if (!$Results = json_decode($CIDRAM['Request']($URI, [], $Timeout), true)) { return ''; } return $CIDRAM['DNS-Forwards'][$Host]['IPAddr'] = empty( $Results['Answer'][0]['data'] ) ? '' : preg_replace('/[^\da-f.:]/i', '', $Results['Answer'][0]['data']); }; /** * Used to identify when bots ghost/masquerade as popular search engines and * social media tools. Tracking is disabled for legitimate requests, while * ghosted/faked requests are blocked. If DNS is unresolvable and/or if a bot's * identity can't be verified, no action is taken (i.e., tracking isn't messed * with and the request isn't blocked). * * @param string|array $Domains Accepted domain/hostname partials. * @param string $Friendly A friendly name to use in logfiles. * @param array $Options Various options that can be passed to the closure. * @return bool Returns true when a determination is successfully made, and * false when a determination isn't able to be made. */ $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverse-Forward'] = function ($Domains, string $Friendly, array $Options = []) use (&$CIDRAM): bool { /** Fetch the hostname. */ if (empty($CIDRAM['Hostname'])) { $CIDRAM['Hostname'] = $CIDRAM['DNS-Reverse']($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['IPAddr']); } /** Do nothing more if we weren't able to resolve the DNS hostname. */ if (!$CIDRAM['Hostname'] || $CIDRAM['Hostname'] === $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['IPAddr']) { return false; } /** Flag for whether our checks pass or fail. */ $Pass = false; /** Force domains to be an array. */ $CIDRAM['Arrayify']($Domains); /** Compare the hostname against the accepted domain/hostname partials. */ foreach ($Domains as $Domain) { $Len = strlen($Domain) * -1; if (substr($CIDRAM['Hostname'], $Len) === $Domain) { $Pass = true; break; } } /** Successfully passed. */ if ($Pass) { /** We're only reversing; Don't forward resolve. Disable tracking and return. */ if (!empty($Options['ReverseOnly'])) { if (!empty($Options['CanModTrackable'])) { $CIDRAM['Trackable'] = false; } return true; } /** Attempt to resolve. */ if (!$Resolved = $CIDRAM['DNS-Resolve']($CIDRAM['Hostname'])) { /** Failed to resolve. Do nothing and return. */ return false; } /** It's the real deal; Disable tracking and return. */ if ($Resolved === $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['IPAddr']) { if (!empty($Options['CanModTrackable'])) { $CIDRAM['Trackable'] = false; } return true; } } /** It's a fake; Block it. */ $Reason = $CIDRAM['ParseVars'](['ua' => $Friendly], $CIDRAM['L10N']->getString('fake_ua')); $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['ReasonMessage'] = $Reason; if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= ', '; } $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= $Reason; if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= ', '; } $Debug = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT | DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= basename($Debug['file']) . ':L' . $Debug['line']; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['SignatureCount']++; /** Reporting. */ $CIDRAM['Reporter']->report([19], ['Caught masquerading as ' . $Friendly . '.'], $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['IPAddr']); /** Exit. */ return true; }; /** * Checks whether an IP is expected. If so, tracking is disabled for the IP * being checked, and if not, the request is blocked. Has no return value. * * @param string|array $Expected Accepted/Expected IPs. * @param string $Friendly A friendly name to use in logfiles. * @param array $Options Various options that can be passed to the closure. */ $CIDRAM['UA-IP-Match'] = function ($Expected, string $Friendly, array $Options = []) use (&$CIDRAM) { /** Convert expected IPs to an array. */ $CIDRAM['Arrayify']($Expected); /** Compare the actual IP of the request against the expected IPs. */ if (in_array($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['IPAddr'], $Expected)) { /** Disable tracking (if there are matches, and if relevant). */ if (!empty($Options['CanModTrackable'])) { $CIDRAM['Trackable'] = false; } return; } /** Nothing matched. Block it. */ $Reason = $CIDRAM['ParseVars'](['ua' => $Friendly], $CIDRAM['L10N']->getString('fake_ua')); $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['ReasonMessage'] = $Reason; if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= ', '; } $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= $Reason; if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= ', '; } $Debug = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT | DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= basename($Debug['file']) . ':L' . $Debug['line']; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['SignatureCount']++; /** Reporting. */ $CIDRAM['Reporter']->report([19], ['Caught masquerading as ' . $Friendly . '.'], $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['IPAddr']); }; /** * A default closure for handling signature triggers within module files. * * @param bool $Condition Include any variable or PHP code which can be * evaluated for truthiness. Truthiness is evaluated, and if true, the * signature is "triggered". If false, the signature is *not* "triggered". * @param string $ReasonShort Cited in the "Why Blocked" field when the * signature is triggered and thus included within logfile entries. * @param string $ReasonLong Message displayed to the user/client when blocked, * to explain why they've been blocked. Optional. Defaults to the standard * "Access Denied!" message. * @param array $DefineOptions An optional array containing key/value pairs, * used to define configuration options specific to the request instance. * Configuration options will be applied when the signature is triggered. * @return bool Returns true if the signature was triggered, and false if it * wasn't. Should correspond to the truthiness of $Condition. */ $CIDRAM['Trigger'] = function ($Condition, $ReasonShort, $ReasonLong = '', array $DefineOptions = []) use (&$CIDRAM) { if (!$Condition) { return false; } if (!$ReasonLong) { $ReasonLong = $CIDRAM['L10N']->getString('denied'); } if (is_array($DefineOptions) && !empty($DefineOptions)) { foreach ($DefineOptions as $CatKey => $CatValue) { if (is_array($CatValue) && !empty($CatValue)) { foreach ($CatValue as $OptionKey => $OptionValue) { $CIDRAM['Config'][$CatKey][$OptionKey] = $OptionValue; } } } } $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['ReasonMessage'] = $ReasonLong; if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= ', '; } $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= $ReasonShort; if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= ', '; } $Debug = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT | DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= basename($Debug['file']) . ':L' . $Debug['line']; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['SignatureCount']++; return true; }; /** * A default closure for handling signature bypasses within module files. * * @param bool $Condition Include any variable or PHP code which can be * evaluated for truthiness. Truthiness is evaluated, and if true, the * bypass is "triggered". If false, the bypass is *not* "triggered". * @param string $ReasonShort Cited in the "Why Blocked" field when the * bypass is triggered (included within logfile entries if there are still * other preexisting signatures which have otherwise been triggered). * @param array $DefineOptions An optional array containing key/value pairs, * used to define configuration options specific to the request instance. * Configuration options will be applied when the bypass is triggered. * @return bool Returns true if the bypass was triggered, and false if it * wasn't. Should correspond to the truthiness of $Condition. */ $CIDRAM['Bypass'] = function ($Condition, $ReasonShort, array $DefineOptions = []) use (&$CIDRAM) { if (!$Condition) { return false; } if (is_array($DefineOptions) && !empty($DefineOptions)) { foreach ($DefineOptions as $CatKey => $CatValue) { if (is_array($CatValue) && !empty($CatValue)) { foreach ($CatValue as $OptionKey => $OptionValue) { $CIDRAM['Config'][$CatKey][$OptionKey] = $OptionValue; } } } } if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= ', '; } $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= $ReasonShort; if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'])) { $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= ', '; } $Debug = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT | DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= basename($Debug['file']) . ':L' . $Debug['line']; $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['SignatureCount']--; return true; }; /** * Used to generate new salts when necessary, which may be occasionally used by * some specific optional peripheral features (note: should not be considered * cryptographically secure; especially so for versions of PHP < 7). * * @return string Salt. */ $CIDRAM['GenerateSalt'] = function (): string { static $MinLen = 32; static $MaxLen = 72; static $MinChr = 1; static $MaxChr = 255; $Salt = ''; if (function_exists('random_int')) { try { $Length = random_int($MinLen, $MaxLen); } catch (\Exception $e) { $Length = rand($MinLen, $MaxLen); } } else { $Length = rand($MinLen, $MaxLen); } if (function_exists('random_bytes')) { try { $Salt = random_bytes($Length); } catch (\Exception $e) { $Salt = ''; } } if (empty($Salt)) { if (function_exists('random_int')) { try { for ($Index = 0; $Index < $Length; $Index++) { $Salt .= chr(random_int($MinChr, $MaxChr)); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $Salt = ''; for ($Index = 0; $Index < $Length; $Index++) { $Salt .= chr(rand($MinChr, $MaxChr)); } } } else { for ($Index = 0; $Index < $Length; $Index++) { $Salt .= chr(rand($MinChr, $MaxChr)); } } } return $Salt; }; /** * Meld together two or more strings by padding to equal length and * bitshifting each by each other. * * @return string The melded string. */ $CIDRAM['Meld'] = function (string ...$Strings): string { $StrLens = array_map('strlen', $Strings); $WalkLen = max($StrLens); $Count = count($Strings); for ($Index = 0; $Index < $Count; $Index++) { if ($StrLens[$Index] < $WalkLen) { $Strings[$Index] = str_pad($Strings[$Index], $WalkLen, "\xff"); } } for ($Lt = $Strings[0], $Index = 1, $Meld = ''; $Index < $Count; $Index++, $Meld = '') { $Rt = $Strings[$Index]; for ($Caret = 0; $Caret < $WalkLen; $Caret++) { $Meld .= $Lt[$Caret] ^ $Rt[$Caret]; } $Lt = $Meld; } $Meld = $Lt; return $Meld; }; /** * Clears expired entries from a list. * * @param string $List The list to clear from. * @param bool $Check A flag indicating when changes have occurred. */ $CIDRAM['ClearExpired'] = function (string &$List, bool &$Check) use (&$CIDRAM) { if ($List) { $End = 0; while (true) { $Begin = $End; if (!$End = strpos($List, "\n", $Begin + 1)) { break; } $Line = substr($List, $Begin, $End - $Begin); if ($Split = strrpos($Line, ',')) { $Expiry = (int)substr($Line, $Split + 1); if ($Expiry < $CIDRAM['Now']) { $List = str_replace($Line, '', $List); $End = 0; $Check = true; } } } } }; /** * If input isn't an array, make it so. Remove empty elements. * * @param mixed $Input */ $CIDRAM['Arrayify'] = function (&$Input) { if (!is_array($Input)) { $Input = [$Input]; } $Input = array_filter($Input); }; /** * Read byte value configuration directives as byte values. * * @param string $In Input. * @param int $Mode Operating mode. 0 for true byte values, 1 for validating. * Default is 0. * @return string|int Output (return type depends on operating mode). */ $CIDRAM['ReadBytes'] = function (string $In, int $Mode = 0) { if (preg_match('/[KMGT][oB]$/i', $In)) { $Unit = substr($In, -2, 1); } elseif (preg_match('/[KMGToB]$/i', $In)) { $Unit = substr($In, -1); } $Unit = isset($Unit) ? strtoupper($Unit) : 'K'; $In = (float)$In; if ($Mode === 1) { return $Unit === 'B' || $Unit === 'o' ? $In . 'B' : $In . $Unit . 'B'; } $Multiply = ['K' => 1024, 'M' => 1048576, 'G' => 1073741824, 'T' => 1099511627776]; return (int)floor($In * (isset($Multiply[$Unit]) ? $Multiply[$Unit] : 1)); }; /** * Add to page output and block event logfile fields. * * @param string $FieldName Name of the field for internal use (e.g., logging). * @param string $ClientFieldName Name of the field for external use (e.g., for * showing to the client when they see the Access Denied page). * @param string $FieldData Data for the field. * @param bool $Sanitise Whether the data needs to be sanitised against XSS * attacks. */ $CIDRAM['AddField'] = function (string $FieldName, string $ClientFieldName, string $FieldData, bool $Sanitise = false) use (&$CIDRAM) { $Prepared = $Sanitise ? str_replace( ['<', '>', "\r", "\n"], ['&lt;', '&gt;', '&#13;', '&#10;'], $FieldData ) : $FieldData; $Logged = $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['log_sanitisation'] ? $Prepared : $FieldData; $CIDRAM['FieldTemplates']['Logs'] .= $FieldName . $Logged . "\n"; $CIDRAM['FieldTemplates']['Output'][] = sprintf( '<span class="textLabel"%s>%s</span>%s<br />', $CIDRAM['L10N-Lang-Attache'], $ClientFieldName, $Prepared ); }; /** * Resolves 6to4, Teredo, ISATAP addresses and etc to their IPv4 counterparts. * * @param string $In An IPv6 address. * @return string An IPv4 address, or an empty string upon failure to resolve. */ $CIDRAM['Resolve6to4'] = function (string $In): string { if (!preg_match('~^(?:200[12]|fe80)\:~i', $In)) { return ''; } $Parts = explode(':', $In, 8); /** 6to4. */ if ($Parts[0] === '2002') { if (empty($Parts[1]) || empty($Parts[2]) || preg_match('~[^\da-f]~i', $Parts[1]) || preg_match('~[^\da-f]~i', $Parts[2])) { return ''; } $Parts[1] = hexdec($Parts[1]) ?: 0; $Parts[2] = hexdec($Parts[2]) ?: 0; $Octets = [0 => floor($Parts[1] / 256), 1 => $Parts[1] % 256, 2 => floor($Parts[2] / 256), 3 => $Parts[2] % 256]; return implode('.', $Octets); } /** Teredo. */ if ($Parts[0] === '2001' && empty($Parts[1])) { $Parts = array_reverse($Parts); $Bits = ($Parts[1] ?: '') . str_pad(($Parts[0] ?: ''), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); if (preg_match('~[^\da-f]~i', $Bits)) { return ''; } $Bits = hexdec($Bits) ^ 0xffffffff; $Octets = [0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => $Bits % 256]; $Octets[2] = ($Bits = floor($Bits / 256)) % 256; $Octets[1] = ($Bits = floor($Bits / 256)) % 256; $Octets[0] = floor($Bits / 256); return implode('.', $Octets); } /** ISATAP. */ if (preg_match('~^fe80\:\:(?:0200\:)?5efe\:([\da-f]{1,4})\:([\da-f]{1,4})$~i', $In, $Parts)) { $Parts[1] = hexdec($Parts[1]) ?: 0; $Parts[2] = hexdec($Parts[2]) ?: 0; $Octets = [0 => floor($Parts[1] / 256), 1 => $Parts[1] % 256, 2 => floor($Parts[2] / 256), 3 => $Parts[2] % 256]; return implode('.', $Octets); } return ''; }; /** Initialise cache. */ $CIDRAM['InitialiseCache'] = function () use (&$CIDRAM) { /** Create new cache object. */ $CIDRAM['Cache'] = new \Maikuolan\Common\Cache(); $CIDRAM['Cache']->EnableAPCu = $CIDRAM['Config']['supplementary_cache_options']['enable_apcu']; $CIDRAM['Cache']->EnableMemcached = $CIDRAM['Config']['supplementary_cache_options']['enable_memcached']; $CIDRAM['Cache']->EnableRedis = $CIDRAM['Config']['supplementary_cache_options']['enable_redis']; $CIDRAM['Cache']->EnablePDO = $CIDRAM['Config']['supplementary_cache_options']['enable_pdo']; $CIDRAM['Cache']->MemcachedHost = $CIDRAM['Config']['supplementary_cache_options']['memcached_host']; $CIDRAM['Cache']->MemcachedPort = $CIDRAM['Config']['supplementary_cache_options']['memcached_port']; $CIDRAM['Cache']->RedisHost = $CIDRAM['Config']['supplementary_cache_options']['redis_host']; $CIDRAM['Cache']->RedisPort = $CIDRAM['Config']['supplementary_cache_options']['redis_port']; $CIDRAM['Cache']->RedisTimeout = $CIDRAM['Config']['supplementary_cache_options']['redis_timeout']; $CIDRAM['Cache']->PDOdsn = $CIDRAM['Config']['supplementary_cache_options']['pdo_dsn']; $CIDRAM['Cache']->PDOusername = $CIDRAM['Config']['supplementary_cache_options']['pdo_username']; $CIDRAM['Cache']->PDOpassword = $CIDRAM['Config']['supplementary_cache_options']['pdo_password']; $CIDRAM['Cache']->FFDefault = $CIDRAM['Vault'] . 'cache.dat'; if (!$CIDRAM['Cache']->connect()) { if ($CIDRAM['Cache']->Using === 'FF') { header('Content-Type: text/plain'); die('[CIDRAM] ' . $CIDRAM['L10N']->getString('Error_WriteCache')); } else { $Status = $CIDRAM['GetStatusHTTP'](503); header('HTTP/1.0 503 ' . $Status); header('HTTP/1.1 503 ' . $Status); header('Status: 503 ' . $Status); header('Retry-After: 3600'); die; } } $CIDRAM['AtCacheDestroyUnset'] = []; $CIDRAM['InitialiseCacheSection']('Tracking'); $CIDRAM['InitialiseCacheSection']('DNS-Forwards'); $CIDRAM['InitialiseCacheSection']('DNS-Reverses'); }; /** * Initialise a cache section. * * @param string $SectionName The name of the cache section. */ $CIDRAM['InitialiseCacheSection'] = function (string $SectionName) use (&$CIDRAM) { /** Safety. */ if (empty($SectionName) || !is_string($SectionName) || isset($CIDRAM[$SectionName], $CIDRAM[$SectionName . '-Modified'])) { return; } /** Mark for unsetting at cache destruction. */ $CIDRAM['AtCacheDestroyUnset'][] = $SectionName; /** Section modified flag. */ $CIDRAM[$SectionName . '-Modified'] = false; /** Fetch currently stored and clear expired entries. */ if ($CIDRAM[$SectionName] = $CIDRAM['Cache']->getEntry($SectionName)) { if ($CIDRAM['Cache']->clearExpired($CIDRAM[$SectionName])) { $CIDRAM[$SectionName . '-Modified'] = true; } } /** Set default empty array. */ if ($CIDRAM[$SectionName] === false) { $CIDRAM[$SectionName] = []; $CIDRAM[$SectionName . '-Modified'] = true; } }; /** Destroy cache object and some related values. */ $CIDRAM['DestroyCacheObject'] = function () use (&$CIDRAM) { foreach ($CIDRAM['AtCacheDestroyUnset'] as $DestroyThis) { if ($CIDRAM[$DestroyThis . '-Modified']) { $CIDRAM['Cache']->setEntry($DestroyThis, $CIDRAM[$DestroyThis], 0); } unset($CIDRAM[$DestroyThis . '-Modified'], $CIDRAM[$DestroyThis]); } unset($CIDRAM['AtCacheDestroyUnset'], $CIDRAM['Cache']); }; /** * Block bots masquerading as popular search engines and disable tracking for * for verified requests. */ $CIDRAM['SearchEngineVerification'] = function () use (&$CIDRAM) { if ( empty($CIDRAM['TestResults']) || $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['maintenance_mode'] || !$CIDRAM['Config']['general']['search_engine_verification'] || !empty($CIDRAM['SkipVerification']) || empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['UALC']) ) { return; } if (!isset($CIDRAM['VerificationData'])) { if (!$Raw = $CIDRAM['ReadFile']($CIDRAM['Vault'] . 'verification.yaml')) { $CIDRAM['SkipVerification'] = true; return; } $CIDRAM['VerificationData'] = (new \Maikuolan\Common\YAML($Raw))->Data; } if (empty($CIDRAM['VerificationData']['Search Engine Verification'])) { return; } foreach ($CIDRAM['VerificationData']['Search Engine Verification'] as $Name => $Values) { if (empty($CIDRAM[$Values['Bypass Flag']]) && ( (!empty($Values['User Agent']) && strpos($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['UALC'], $Values['User Agent']) !== false) || (!empty($Values['User Agent Pattern']) && preg_match($Values['User Agent Pattern'], $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['UALC'])) )) { $Options = [ 'ReverseOnly' => isset($Values['Reverse Only']) ? $Values['Reverse Only'] : false, 'CanModTrackable' => isset($Values['Can Modify Trackable']) ? $Values['Can Modify Trackable'] : true ]; $CIDRAM[$Values['Closure']]($Values['Valid Domains'], $Name, $Options); } } }; /** Reset bypass flags. */ $CIDRAM['ResetBypassFlags'] = function () use (&$CIDRAM) { if (isset($CIDRAM['VerificationData']['Search Engine Verification'])) { foreach ($CIDRAM['VerificationData']['Search Engine Verification'] as $Values) { if (!empty($Values['Bypass Flag'])) { $CIDRAM[$Values['Bypass Flag']] = false; } } } }; /** * Block bots masquerading as popular social media tools. */ $CIDRAM['SocialMediaVerification'] = function () use (&$CIDRAM) { if ( empty($CIDRAM['TestResults']) || $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['maintenance_mode'] || !$CIDRAM['Config']['general']['social_media_verification'] || !empty($CIDRAM['SkipVerification']) || empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['UALC']) ) { return; } if (!isset($CIDRAM['VerificationData'])) { if (!$Raw = $CIDRAM['ReadFile']($CIDRAM['Vault'] . 'verification.yaml')) { $CIDRAM['SkipVerification'] = true; return; } $CIDRAM['VerificationData'] = (new \Maikuolan\Common\YAML($Raw))->Data; } if (empty($CIDRAM['VerificationData']['Social Media Verification'])) { return; } foreach ($CIDRAM['VerificationData']['Social Media Verification'] as $Name => $Values) { if ( (!empty($Values['User Agent']) && strpos($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['UALC'], $Values['User Agent']) !== false) || (!empty($Values['User Agent Pattern']) && preg_match($Values['User Agent Pattern'], $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['UALC'])) ) { $Options = [ 'ReverseOnly' => isset($Values['Reverse Only']) ? $Values['Reverse Only'] : false, 'CanModTrackable' => isset($Values['Can Modify Trackable']) ? $Values['Can Modify Trackable'] : true ]; $CIDRAM[$Values['Closure']]($Values['Valid Domains'], $Name, $Options); } } }; /** * Build directory path for logfiles. * * @param string $File The file we're building for. * @return bool True on success; False on failure. */ $CIDRAM['BuildLogPath'] = function (string $File) use (&$CIDRAM): bool { $ThisPath = $CIDRAM['Vault']; $File = str_replace("\\", '/', $File); while (strpos($File, '/') !== false) { $Dir = substr($File, 0, strpos($File, '/')); $ThisPath .= $Dir . '/'; $File = substr($File, strlen($Dir) + 1); if (!file_exists($ThisPath) || !is_dir($ThisPath)) { if (!mkdir($ThisPath)) { return false; } } } return true; }; /** * Checks whether the specified directory is empty. * * @param string $Directory The directory to check. * @return bool True if empty; False if not empty. */ $CIDRAM['IsDirEmpty'] = function (string $Directory): bool { return !((new \FilesystemIterator($Directory))->valid()); }; /** * Deletes empty directories (used by some front-end functions and log rotation). * * @param string $Dir The directory to delete. */ $CIDRAM['DeleteDirectory'] = function (string $Dir) use (&$CIDRAM) { while (strrpos($Dir, '/') !== false || strrpos($Dir, "\\") !== false) { $Separator = (strrpos($Dir, '/') !== false) ? '/' : "\\"; $Dir = substr($Dir, 0, strrpos($Dir, $Separator)); if (!is_dir($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $Dir) || !$CIDRAM['IsDirEmpty']($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $Dir)) { break; } rmdir($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $Dir); } }; /** * Convert log file configuration directives to regular expressions. * * @param string $Str The log file configuration directive to work with. * @param bool $GZ Whether to include GZ files in the resulting expression. * @return string A corresponding regular expression. */ $CIDRAM['BuildLogPattern'] = function (string $Str, bool $GZ = false): string { return '~^' . preg_replace( ['~\\\{(?:dd|mm|yy|hh|ii|ss)\\\}~i', '~\\\{yyyy\\\}~i', '~\\\{(?:Day|Mon)\\\}~i', '~\\\{tz\\\}~i', '~\\\{t\\\:z\\\}~i'], ['\d{2}', '\d{4}', '\w{3}', '.{1,2}\d{4}', '.{1,2}\d{2}\:\d{2}'], preg_quote(str_replace("\\", '/', $Str)) ) . ($GZ ? '(?:\.gz)?' : '') . '$~i'; }; /** * GZ-compress a file (used by log rotation). * * @param string $File The file to GZ-compress. * @return bool True if the file exists and is readable; False otherwise. */ $CIDRAM['GZCompressFile'] = function (string $File): bool { if (!is_file($File) || !is_readable($File)) { return false; } static $Blocksize = 131072; $Filesize = filesize($File); $Size = ($Filesize && $Blocksize) ? ceil($Filesize / $Blocksize) : 0; if ($Size > 0) { $Handle = fopen($File, 'rb'); $HandleGZ = gzopen($File . '.gz', 'wb'); $Block = 0; while ($Block < $Size) { $Data = fread($Handle, $Blocksize); gzwrite($HandleGZ, $Data); $Block++; } gzclose($HandleGZ); fclose($Handle); } return true; }; /** * Log rotation. * * @param string $Pattern What to identify logfiles by (should be supplied via the relevant logging directive). * @return bool False when log rotation is disabled or errors occur; True otherwise. */ $CIDRAM['LogRotation'] = function (string $Pattern) use (&$CIDRAM): bool { $Action = empty($CIDRAM['Config']['general']['log_rotation_action']) ? '' : $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['log_rotation_action']; $Limit = empty($CIDRAM['Config']['general']['log_rotation_limit']) ? 0 : $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['log_rotation_limit']; if (!$Limit || ($Action !== 'Delete' && $Action !== 'Archive')) { return false; } $Pattern = $CIDRAM['BuildLogPattern']($Pattern); $Arr = []; $Offset = strlen($CIDRAM['Vault']); $List = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($CIDRAM['Vault']), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($List as $Item => $List) { $ItemFixed = str_replace("\\", '/', substr($Item, $Offset)); if ($ItemFixed && preg_match($Pattern, $ItemFixed) && is_readable($Item)) { $Arr[$ItemFixed] = filemtime($Item); } } unset($ItemFixed, $List, $Offset); $Count = count($Arr); $Err = 0; if ($Count > $Limit) { asort($Arr, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($Arr as $Item => $Modified) { if ($Action === 'Archive') { $Err += !$CIDRAM['GZCompressFile']($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $Item); } $Err += !unlink($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $Item); if (strpos($Item, '/') !== false) { $CIDRAM['DeleteDirectory']($Item); } $Count--; if (!($Count > $Limit)) { break; } } } return $Err ? false : true; }; /** * Pseudonymise an IP address (reduce IPv4s to /24s and IPv6s to /32s). * * @param string $IP An IP address. * @return string A pseudonymised IP address. */ $CIDRAM['Pseudonymise-IP'] = function (string $IP): string { if (($CPos = strpos($IP, ':')) !== false) { $Parts = [(substr($IP, 0, $CPos) ?: ''), (substr($IP, $CPos +1) ?: '')]; if (($CPos = strpos($Parts[1], ':')) !== false) { $Parts[1] = substr($Parts[1], 0, $CPos) ?: ''; } $Parts = $Parts[0] . ':' . $Parts[1] . '::x'; return str_replace(':::', '::', $Parts); } return preg_replace( '/^([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$/i', '\1.\2.\3.x', $IP ); }; /** * Fetch a status message from a HTTP status code for blocked requests. * * @param int $Status HTTP status code. * @return string HTTP status message (empty when using non-supported codes). */ $CIDRAM['GetStatusHTTP'] = function (int $Status): string { $Message = [ 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 403 => 'Forbidden', 410 => 'Gone', 418 => 'I\'m a teapot', 429 => 'Too Many Requests', 451 => 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 503 => 'Service Unavailable' ]; return isset($Message[$Status]) ? $Message[$Status] : ''; }; /** * Used for matching auxiliary rule criteria. * * @param string|array $Criteria The criteria to accept for the match. * @param string $Actual The actual value we're trying to match. * @param string $Method The method for handling data when matching. * @return bool Match succeeded (true) or failed (false). */ $CIDRAM['AuxMatch'] = function ($Criteria, $Actual, $Method = '') use (&$CIDRAM) { /** Normalise criteria to an array. */ if (!is_array($Criteria)) { $Criteria = [$Criteria]; } /** Perform a match using regular expressions. */ if ($Method === 'RegEx') { foreach ($Criteria as $TestCase) { if (preg_match($TestCase, $Actual)) { return true; } } return false; } /** Perform a match using Windows-style wildcards. */ if ($Method === 'WinEx') { foreach ($Criteria as $TestCase) { if (preg_match('~^' . str_replace('\*', '.*', preg_quote($TestCase, '~')) . '$~', $Actual)) { return true; } } return false; } /** Perform a match using direct string comparison. */ foreach ($Criteria as $TestCase) { if ($TestCase === $Actual) { return true; } } /** Failed to match anything. */ return false; }; /** * Used for performing actions when an auxiliary rule matches. * * @param string $Action The type of action to perform. * @param string $Name The name of the rule. * @param string $Reason The reason for performing the action. * @return bool Whether the calling parent should return immediately. */ $CIDRAM['AuxAction'] = function ($Action, $Name, $Reason = '') use (&$CIDRAM) { /** Whitelist. */ if ($Action === 'Whitelist') { $CIDRAM['ZeroOutBlockInfo'](true); return true; } /** Greylist. */ if ($Action === 'Greylist') { $CIDRAM['ZeroOutBlockInfo'](); } /** Block. */ elseif ($Action === 'Block') { $CIDRAM['Trigger'](true, $Name, $Reason); } /** Bypass. */ elseif ($Action === 'Bypass') { $CIDRAM['Bypass'](true, $Name); } /** Don't log the request instance. */ elseif ($Action === 'Don\'t log') { $CIDRAM['Flag Don\'t Log'] = true; } /** Exit. */ return false; }; /** Procedure for parsing and processing auxiliary rules. */ $CIDRAM['Aux'] = function () use (&$CIDRAM) { /** Exit procedure early if the rules don't exist. */ if (!file_exists($CIDRAM['Vault'] . 'auxiliary.yaml')) { return; } /** Possibly used by some rules, but not used elsewhere. */ if (!isset($CIDRAM['Request_Method'])) { $CIDRAM['Request_Method'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? ''; } /** Potential sources. */ static $Sources = [ 'Hostname', 'Request_Method', 'BlockInfo' => [ 'IPAddr', 'IPAddrResolved', 'Query', 'Referrer', 'UA', 'UALC', 'ReasonMessage', 'SignatureCount', 'Signatures', 'WhyReason', 'rURI' ] ]; /** Potential modes. */ static $Modes = ['Whitelist', 'Greylist', 'Block', 'Bypass', 'Don\'t log']; /** Attempt to parse the auxiliary rules file. */ if (!isset($CIDRAM['AuxData'])) { $CIDRAM['AuxData'] = (new \Maikuolan\Common\YAML($CIDRAM['ReadFile']($CIDRAM['Vault'] . 'auxiliary.yaml')))->Data; } /** Iterate through the auxiliary rules. */ foreach ($CIDRAM['AuxData'] as $Name => $Data) { /** Matching logic. */ $Logic = empty($Data['Logic']) ? 'Any' : $Data['Logic']; /** Detailed reason. */ $Reason = empty($Data['Reason']) ? $Name : $Data['Reason']; /** The matching method to use. */ $Method = empty($Data['Method']) ? '' : $Data['Method']; /** Iterate through modes. */ foreach ($Modes as $Mode) { /** Skip mode if not used by this rule. */ if (empty($Data[$Mode])) { continue; } /** Flag for successful matches. */ $Matched = false; /** Match exceptions. */ if (!empty($Data[$Mode]['But not if matches'])) { /** Iterate through sources. */ foreach ($Sources as $SourceKey => $SourceArr) { if (is_array($SourceArr)) { foreach ($SourceArr as $Source) { if (isset( $Data[$Mode]['But not if matches'][$Source], $CIDRAM[$SourceKey][$Source] )) { if (!is_array($Data[$Mode]['But not if matches'][$Source])) { $Data[$Mode]['But not if matches'][$Source] = [$Data[$Mode]['But not if matches'][$Source]]; } foreach ($Data[$Mode]['But not if matches'][$Source] as $Value) { /** Perform match. */ if ($CIDRAM['AuxMatch']($Value, $CIDRAM[$SourceKey][$Source], $Method)) { continue 4; } } } } continue; } if (isset($Data[$Mode]['But not if matches'][$SourceArr], $CIDRAM[$SourceArr])) { if (!is_array($Data[$Mode]['But not if matches'][$SourceArr])) { $Data[$Mode]['But not if matches'][$SourceArr] = [$Data[$Mode]['But not if matches'][$SourceArr]]; } foreach ($Data[$Mode]['But not if matches'][$SourceArr] as $Value) { /** Perform match. */ if ($CIDRAM['AuxMatch']($Value, $CIDRAM[$SourceArr], $Method)) { continue 3; } } } } } /** Matches. */ if (!empty($Data[$Mode]['If matches'])) { /** Iterate through sources. */ foreach ($Sources as $SourceKey => $SourceArr) { if (is_array($SourceArr)) { foreach ($SourceArr as $Source) { if (isset( $Data[$Mode]['If matches'][$Source], $CIDRAM[$SourceKey][$Source] )) { if (!is_array($Data[$Mode]['If matches'][$Source])) { $Data[$Mode]['If matches'][$Source] = [$Data[$Mode]['If matches'][$Source]]; } foreach ($Data[$Mode]['If matches'][$Source] as $Value) { /** Perform match. */ if ($CIDRAM['AuxMatch']($Value, $CIDRAM[$SourceKey][$Source], $Method)) { $Matched = true; if ($Logic === 'All') { continue; } if ($CIDRAM['AuxAction']($Mode, $Name, $Reason)) { return; } continue 4; } elseif ($Logic === 'All') { continue 4; } } } } continue; } if (isset($Data[$Mode]['If matches'][$SourceArr], $CIDRAM[$SourceArr])) { if (!is_array($Data[$Mode]['If matches'][$SourceArr])) { $Data[$Mode]['If matches'][$SourceArr] = [$Data[$Mode]['If matches'][$SourceArr]]; } foreach ($Data[$Mode]['If matches'][$SourceArr] as $Value) { /** Perform match. */ if ($CIDRAM['AuxMatch']($Value, $CIDRAM[$SourceArr], $Method)) { $Matched = true; if ($Logic === 'All') { continue; } if ($CIDRAM['AuxAction']($Mode, $Name, $Reason)) { return; } continue 3; } elseif ($Logic === 'All') { continue 3; } } } } } /** Perform action for matching rules requiring all conditions to be met. */ if ($Logic === 'All' && $Matched && $CIDRAM['AuxAction']($Mode, $Name, $Reason)) { return; } } } }; /** * Write an access event to the rate limiting cache. * * @param string $RL_Capture What we've captured to identify the requesting entity. * @param int $RL_Size The size of the output served to the requesting entity. */ $CIDRAM['RL_WriteEvent'] = function ($RL_Capture, $RL_Size) use (&$CIDRAM) { $TimePacked = pack('l*', $CIDRAM['Now']); $SizePacked = pack('l*', $RL_Size); $Data = $TimePacked . $SizePacked . $RL_Capture; $Handle = fopen($CIDRAM['Vault'] . 'rl.dat', 'ab'); fwrite($Handle, $Data); fclose($Handle); }; /** Remove outdated access events from the rate limiting cache. */ $CIDRAM['RL_Clean'] = function () use (&$CIDRAM) { $Pos = 0; $EoS = strlen($CIDRAM['RL_Data']); while ($Pos < $EoS) { $Time = substr($CIDRAM['RL_Data'], $Pos, 4); if (strlen($Time) !== 4) { break; } $Time = unpack('l*', $Time); if ($Time[1] > $CIDRAM['RL_Expired']) { break; } $Pos += 8; $Block = substr($CIDRAM['RL_Data'], $Pos, 4); if (strlen($Block) !== 4) { $CIDRAM['RL_Data'] = ''; break; } $Block = unpack('l*', $Block); $Pos += 4 + $Block[1]; } if ($Pos) { if ($CIDRAM['RL_Data']) { $CIDRAM['RL_Data'] = substr($CIDRAM['RL_Data'], $Pos); } $Handle = fopen($CIDRAM['Vault'] . 'rl.dat', 'wb'); fwrite($Handle, $CIDRAM['RL_Data']); fclose($Handle); } }; /** * Count the requesting entity's requests and bandwidth usage for this period. * * @return int The requesting entity's requests and bandwidth usage for this period. */ $CIDRAM['RL_Get_Usage'] = function () use (&$CIDRAM) { $Pos = 0; $Bytes = 0; $Requests = 0; while (strlen($CIDRAM['RL_Data']) > $Pos && $Pos = strpos($CIDRAM['RL_Data'], $CIDRAM['RL_Capture'], $Pos + 1)) { if ($Pos === false) { break; } $Size = substr($CIDRAM['RL_Data'], $Pos - 4, 4); if (strlen($Size) !== 4) { break; } $Size = unpack('l*', $Size); $Bytes += $Size[1]; $Requests++; } return ['Bytes' => $Bytes, 'Requests' => $Requests]; }; /** * Checks for a value within CSV. * * @param string $Value The value to look for. * @param string $CSV The CSV to look in. * @return bool True when found; False when not found. */ $CIDRAM['in_csv'] = function (string $Value, string $CSV): bool { if (!$Value || !$CSV) { return false; } $Arr = explode(',', $CSV); if (strpos($CSV, '"') !== false) { foreach ($Arr as &$Item) { if (substr($Item, 0, 1) === '"' && substr($Item, -1) === '"') { $Item = substr($Item, 1, -1); } } } return in_array($Value, $Arr, true); }; /** * Initialises an error handler to catch any errors generated by CIDRAM when * needed. */ $CIDRAM['InitialiseErrorHandler'] = function () use (&$CIDRAM) { /** Stores any errors generated by the error handler. */ $CIDRAM['Errors'] = []; /** * For a full description of all supported parameters, please see: * @link * * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param int $errline * @return bool True to end further processing; False to defer processing. */ $CIDRAM['PreviousErrorHandler'] = set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) use (&$CIDRAM) { $VaultLen = strlen($CIDRAM['Vault']); if ( strlen($errfile) > $VaultLen && str_replace("\\", '/', substr($errfile, 0, $VaultLen)) === str_replace("\\", '/', $CIDRAM['Vault']) ) { $errfile = substr($errfile, $VaultLen); } $CIDRAM['Errors'][] = [$errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline]; if ($CIDRAM['Events']->assigned('error')) { $CIDRAM['Events']->fireEvent('error', serialize([$CIDRAM['Stage'] ?? '', $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline])); } return true; }); }; /** * Restores previous error handler after having initialised an error handler. */ $CIDRAM['RestoreErrorHandler'] = function () use (&$CIDRAM) { /** Reset errors array. */ $CIDRAM['Errors'] = []; /** Restore previous error handler. */ restore_error_handler(); }; /** * Generates unique IDs for block events. * * @return string A unique ID to use for block events. */ $CIDRAM['GenerateID'] = function (): string { $Time = explode(' ', microtime(), 2); $Time[0] = (string)($Time[0] * 1000000); while (strlen($Time[0]) < 6) { $Time[0] = '0' . $Time[0]; } if (function_exists('hrtime')) { try { $HRTime = (string)hrtime(true); if (strlen($HRTime) > 10) { $HRTime = substr($HRTime, -10); } while (strlen($HRTime) < 10) { $HRTime = '0' . $HRTime; } } catch (\Exception $Exception) { $HRTime = ''; } } else { $HRTime = ''; } $HRLen = strlen($HRTime); $Time = $Time[1] . '-' . $Time[0] . '-' . $HRTime; if ($HRLen < 10) { $Low = pow(10, (9 - strlen($HRTime))); $High = ($Low * 10) - 1; if (function_exists('random_int')) { try { $Pad = random_int($Low, $High); } catch (\Exception $Exception) { $Pad = rand($Low, $High); } } else { $Pad = rand($Low, $High); } $Time .= $Pad; } return $Time; }; /** * Writes to the standard logfile. * * @return bool True on success; False on failure. */ $CIDRAM['Events']->addHandler('writeToLog', function () use (&$CIDRAM): bool { if (!$CIDRAM['Config']['general']['logfile'] || empty($CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile'])) { return false; } $Data = !file_exists($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile']) || ( $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['truncate'] > 0 && filesize($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile']) >= $CIDRAM['ReadBytes']($CIDRAM['Config']['general']['truncate']) ) ? "\x3c\x3fphp die; \x3f\x3e\n\n" : ''; $WriteMode = !empty($Data) ? 'w' : 'a'; $Data .= $CIDRAM['ParseVars']($CIDRAM['Parsables'], $CIDRAM['FieldTemplates']['Logs'] . "\n"); if ($CIDRAM['BuildLogPath']($CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile'])) { $File = fopen($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile'], $WriteMode); fwrite($File, $Data); fclose($File); if ($WriteMode === 'w') { $CIDRAM['LogRotation']($CIDRAM['Config']['general']['logfile']); } return true; } return false; }); /** * Writes to the Apache-style logfile. * * @return bool True on success; False on failure. */ $CIDRAM['Events']->addHandler('writeToLog', function () use (&$CIDRAM): bool { if ( !$CIDRAM['Config']['general']['logfile_apache'] || empty($CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile_apache']) || empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']) ) { return false; } $Data = sprintf( "%s - - [%s] \"%s %s %s\" %s %s \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['IPAddr'], $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['DateTime'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? 'UNKNOWN', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? '/', $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ?? 'UNKNOWN/x.x', $CIDRAM['errCode'], strlen($CIDRAM['HTML']), $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Referrer'] ?? '-', $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['UA'] ?? '-' ); $WriteMode = !file_exists($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile_apache']) || ( $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['truncate'] > 0 && filesize($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile_apache']) >= $CIDRAM['ReadBytes']($CIDRAM['Config']['general']['truncate']) ) ? 'w' : 'a'; if ($CIDRAM['BuildLogPath']($CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile_apache'])) { $File = fopen($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile_apache'], $WriteMode); fwrite($File, $Data); fclose($File); if ($WriteMode === 'w') { $CIDRAM['LogRotation']($CIDRAM['Config']['general']['logfile_apache']); } return true; } return false; }); /** * Writes to the serialised logfile. * * @return bool True on success; False on failure. */ $CIDRAM['Events']->addHandler('writeToLog', function () use (&$CIDRAM): bool { if ( !$CIDRAM['Config']['general']['logfile_serialized'] || empty($CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile_serialized']) || empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']) ) { return false; } $BlockInfo = $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']; unset($BlockInfo['EmailAddr'], $BlockInfo['UALC'], $BlockInfo['favicon']); /** Remove empty entries prior to serialising. */ $BlockInfo = array_filter($BlockInfo, function ($Value) { return !(is_string($Value) && empty($Value)); }); $WriteMode = !file_exists($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile_serialized']) || ( $CIDRAM['Config']['general']['truncate'] > 0 && filesize($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile_serialized']) >= $CIDRAM['ReadBytes']($CIDRAM['Config']['general']['truncate']) ) ? 'w' : 'a'; if ($CIDRAM['BuildLogPath']($CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile_serialized'])) { $File = fopen($CIDRAM['Vault'] . $CIDRAM['LogFileNames']['logfile_serialized'], $WriteMode); fwrite($File, serialize($BlockInfo) . "\n"); fclose($File); if ($WriteMode === 'w') { $CIDRAM['LogRotation']($CIDRAM['Config']['general']['logfile_serialized']); } return true; } return false; });