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File: vault/ipv6_isps.dat

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File: vault/ipv6_isps.dat
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Check if an IP address is a bad source of traffic
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Last change: Signatures update.
Signatures update.
Signatures update.
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 57,155 bytes



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# IPv6 signatures file (dangerous and spammy ISPs). # Canonical link to the online version of this file: # Version: 2019.260.254 # Last modified: 2019.09.18 # --- # ASN 29182 ("ISPsystem"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.31%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 4,885. # Updated: 2018.03.31 / Checked: 2019.05.10 2a01:230::/48 Deny Generic 2a01:230:2::/47 Deny Generic 2a06:dc40::/29 Deny Generic Origin: RU Tag: ISPsystem # ASN 34619 ("Çizgi Telekomünikasyon"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.48%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 1. # Updated: 2016.01.18 / Checked: 2019.08.21 2a02:2020::/32 Deny Generic Origin: TR Tag: CIZGI TELEKOM # ASN 25504 ("Vautron Rechenzentrum AG"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.25%. # Updated: 2016.01.18 / Checked: 2019.08.29 2001:67c:2394::/48 Deny Generic 2a00:19e0::/29 Deny Generic Origin: DE Tag: Vautron Rech. AG # ASN 38955 ("World4You Internet Services"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.33%. # Updated: 2016.01.18 / Checked: 2019.05.10 2a00:1a68::/32 Deny Generic Origin: AT Tag: World4You # ASNs 29073, 202425 ("IP Volume inc", formerly, "Quasi Networks LTD", formerly "Ecatel Network"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.16% (AS29073), 0.13% (AS202425). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 13,260 (AS29073), 236 (AS202425). # Updated: 2019.05.10 2a02:6c8:8000::/33 Deny Generic Origin: NL Tag: IP Volume inc # ASN 48159 ("Telecommunication Infrastructure Company"). # Significant source of I.P. thieves, email harvestors, and unauthorised scrapers. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 140. # Updated: 2019.07.03 2a03:57c0::/32 Deny Generic Origin: IR Tag: AS48159 --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 12880 ("Information Technology Company (ITC)"). # Significant source of email harvestors and unauthorised scrapers. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.17%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 2.18%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 773. # Updated: 2018.10.09 / Checked: 2019.07.03 2001:4188::/48 Deny Generic Origin: IR Tag: AS12880 --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASNs 24940, 37153 ("Hetzner Online GmbH"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.08% (AS24940), 0.17% (AS37153). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 26,308 (AS24940), 706 (AS37153). # Updated: 2019.03.04 / Checked: 2019.07.03 2001:67c:1164::/48 Deny Generic 2a01:4f8::/29 Deny Generic 2a01:b140::/29 Deny Generic 2a06:be80::/29 Deny Generic 2a0d:7e00::/48 Deny Generic Origin: DE 2c0f:f300::/48 Deny Generic 2c0f:fce8::/33 Deny Generic Origin: ZA Tag: Hetzner Online GmbH # ASN 51559 ("Server Internet Bilisim ve Bilgisayar Hizmetleri"). # (Mark any LV announces as cloud when updating). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.08%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 37. # Updated: 2019.09.18 2a06:c3c0:2::/48 Deny Generic Origin: RU 2a03:2100::/44 Deny Generic 2a05:9bc0::/44 Deny Generic 2a06:1580::/44 Deny Generic 2a06:41c0::/44 Deny Generic 2a06:c400::/44 Deny Generic 2a0a:db00::/44 Deny Generic 2a0b:8100::/44 Deny Generic Origin: TR Tag: AS51559 --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 45727 ("Hutchison CP Telecommunications, PT"). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 323. # Updated: 2019.09.03 2400:8b00:100::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:200::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:300::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:500::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:600::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:700::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:800::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:980::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:a00::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:a80::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:b00::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:b80::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:c00::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:c80::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:d00::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:d80::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:e00::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:e80::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:f00::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:f80::/42 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:1000::/44 Deny Spam 2400:8b00:2000::/42 Deny Spam Origin: ID Tag: PT Hutchison --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 24203 ("PT Excelcomindo Pratama"). # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 41.90%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 384. # Updated: 2017.12.08 / Checked: 2019.05.07 2400:9800::/32 Deny Spam Origin: ID 2600:1417:3000::/48 Deny Spam Origin: US Tag: PT Excelcomindo --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 3223 ("Voxility LLC"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.17%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 8,922. # Updated: 2019.08.01 2a06:b380::/29 Deny Generic Origin: GB 2a03:5180::/48 Deny Generic 2a03:5180:1:5::/64 Deny Generic 2a03:5180:1:7::/64 Deny Generic 2a03:5180:1:8::/64 Deny Generic 2a03:5180:1:b::/64 Deny Generic 2a03:5180:1:c::/64 Deny Generic 2a03:5180:1:f::/64 Deny Generic 2a03:5180:1:10::/64 Deny Generic 2a03:5180:2::/47 Deny Generic 2a03:5180:4::/46 Deny Generic 2a03:5180:8::/47 Deny Generic 2a03:5180:a::/48 Deny Generic 2a03:5180:10::/47 Deny Generic Origin: RO 2602:ff84:8::/48 Deny Generic Origin: US Tag: Voxility LLC # ASN 30968 ("INFOBOX"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.11%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 141. # Updated: 2016.01.18 / Checked: 2019.09.18 2a02:440::/32 Deny Generic Origin: RU Tag: INFOBOX # ASN 49335 ("Mir Telematiki Ltd"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.10%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 1,205. # Updated: 2019.08.25 2a0c:46c0::/29 Deny Spam Origin: DK 2a05:4f80::/29 Deny Spam Origin: ES 2a0a:f9c4::/32 Deny Spam Origin: EU 2a03:f3c0::/29 Deny Spam Origin: GB 2a0c:5c40::/29 Deny Spam Origin: IT 2a0b:b86:fff0::/44 Deny Spam 2a0b:b87:ffc0::/44 Deny Spam 2a0b:7086:fff0::/44 Deny Spam 2a0b:7087:fff0::/44 Deny Spam Origin: NL 2a0c:7a40::/29 Deny Spam Origin: NO 2a0c:67c0::/29 Deny Spam Origin: PT 2a05:b80::/29 Deny Spam 2a0a:b385::/32 Deny Spam 2a0c:9d80::/29 Deny Spam Origin: RU 2a0b:6780::/29 Deny Spam Origin: TR Tag: Mir Telematiki Ltd # ASN 45595 ("Pakistan Telecom"). # *Extreme*, unrepentant, unending source of spam over the course of many, many years. XRumer plus others operating on # their network. Highly unlikely to ever delist. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 2.56%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 1.31%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 52,985. # Updated: 2017.03.22 / Checked: 2019.05.28 2404:7000::/32 Deny Spam Origin: PK Tag: Pakistan Telecom --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 41011 ("CH-NET S.R.L"). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 4. # Updated: 2017.06.28 / Checked: 2019.05.10 2001:67c:2100::/48 Deny Generic 2a06:afc0::/47 Deny Generic 2a06:afc0:2::/48 Deny Generic Origin: RO Tag: CH-NET S.R.L # ASN 7743 ("JPMorgan Chase & Co"). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 1. # Updated: 2019.06.02 2620:11::/45 Deny Generic 2620:11:8::/47 Deny Generic Origin: US Tag: JPMorgan Chase & Co # ASNs 42708, 43948 ("GleSYS AB"; formerly "Portlane AB"). # Exclude (carries human endpoints and seems clean): # - "^.*Internetbolaget.*$\n" # Mark as proxy: # - "^(.*(?:VP[SN]|Tunnel|Edelino).*)$" # Mark as cloud: # - "^(.*(?:Host|Netelia|Sveaab|GleSYS|Webbplatsen|InfoGuard).*)$" # Mark as spam (carries human endpoints, but also poses a spam risk): # - "^(.*(?:Svenska).*)$" # Everything else mark as generic. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.13% (AS42708), 0.03% (AS43948). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 1,622 (AS42708). # Updated: 2019.05.02 / Checked: 2019.09.18 2a01:8640:9::/48 Deny Generic Origin: GB Tag: Portlane Networks AB --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 44050 ("Petersburg Internet Network ltd"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.51%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 1,911,629. # Updated: 2019.03.27 / Checked: 2019.07.23 2a00:1d78::/32 Deny Generic 2a01:48a0:4030::/48 Deny Generic 2a0b:d000::/29 Deny Generic 2a0d:1ac3::/32 Deny Generic Origin: RU Tag: PIN-AS # ASNs 16880, 36421 ("Trend Micro Incorporated"). # Follows their users around and attempts to get into restricted/private parts of websites. # Updated: 2018.03.31 / Checked: 2019.08.29 2620:101:402d::/48 Deny Generic 2620:101:4034::/47 Deny Generic 2620:101:4036::/48 Deny Generic 2620:101:403a::/48 Deny Generic 2620:101:403c::/48 Deny Generic 2620:101:403f::/48 Deny Generic Origin: US Tag: Trend Micro # ASN 8551 ("Bezeq International-Ltd"). # Domestic Israeli ISP with human endpoints, but has some bad actors (spambots, # scrapers, etc). Marked for use with reCAPTCHA to reduce the false positive # risk, and I would encourage any CIDRAM users from Israel, or targeting # traffic from Israel, to list this section in their ignore.dat file to reduce # the false positive risk. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.14%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 0.30%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 5,197. # Updated: 2018.03.08 / Checked: 2019.08.01 2a02:26f0:8000::/48 Deny Generic Origin: EU 2001:4cd0::/32 Deny Generic Origin: IL 2620:11b:e0be::/48 Deny Generic Origin: US Tag: Bezeq International --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASNs 5486, 9116 ("012 Smile Communications LTD"). # Subsidiary of Bezeq International. Domestic Israeli ISP with human endpoints, # but also a source of forum/blog spam. Marked for use with reCAPTCHA to reduce # the false positive risk, and I would encourage any CIDRAM users from Israel, # or targeting traffic from Israel, to list this section in their ignore.dat # file to reduce the false positive risk. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.38% (AS9116). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 2,526 (AS9116). # Updated: 2016.12.10 / Checked: 2019.08.01 2001:40a8::/32 Deny Spam Origin: IL Tag: 012 Smile --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 51191 ("Xirra GmbH"). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 2. # Updated: 2016.01.21 / Checked: 2019.08.18 2a01:4a0:2000::/47 Deny Generic 2a01:4a0:2002::/48 Deny Generic 2a06:4b00::/29 Deny Generic Origin: DE Tag: Xirra GmbH # ASN 35804 ("PP SKS-LUGAN"). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 35. # Updated: 2016.03.30 / Checked: 2019.08.18 2a00:ede0::/32 Deny Generic Origin: UA Tag: PP SKS-LUGAN # ASN 13030 ("Init7"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.13%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 137. # Updated: 2018.12.09 / Checked: 2019.04.23 2001:67c:7ac::/48 Deny Generic 2001:67c:2648::/48 Deny Generic 2001:1620::/32 Deny Generic 2a00:e020::/32 Deny Generic 2a00:f080::/42 Deny Generic 2a02:168::/30 Deny Generic 2a02:16a0::/32 Deny Generic 2a03:7520::/32 Deny Generic 2a07:600::/29 Deny Generic 2a0a:dc07::/32 Deny Generic 2a0a:df80:24::/48 Deny Generic 2a0a:e5c0::/29 Deny Generic 2a0b:5340::/48 Deny Generic 2a0b:5400:1::/48 Deny Generic Origin: CH 2a00:5640::/32 Deny Generic 2a00:5646::/32 Deny Generic Origin: DE 2001:67c:1388::/48 Deny Generic Origin: GB 2001:67c:2570::/48 Deny Generic Origin: LI Tag: Init7 # ASNs 3491, 4760, 6279, 7262 ("PCCW Global" / "Beyond The Network America, Inc"). # Mirai detected on this network. # Updated: 2019.06.01 2a03:5400::/32 Deny Spam Origin: BE 2400:8800::/32 Deny Spam 2400:c800:610::/44 Deny Spam 2404:c800::/29 Deny Spam Origin: HK 2c0f:f3d0::/32 Deny Spam Origin: MZ 2a02:b48:4000::/34 Deny Spam Origin: NL 2a0c:6980::/29 Deny Spam Origin: RU 2c0f:f3c0::/32 Deny Spam Origin: ZA Tag: PCCW Global --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 62454 ("Zyztm Research Division 10 B.V"). # Cyber warfare, credit card theft, etc. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 5. # Updated: 2016.04.23 / Checked: 2019.06.23 2a01:54c0::/32 Deny Generic Origin: NL Tag: Zyztm # ASN 43260 ("DGN TEKNOLOJI BILISIM YAYINCILIK SANAYI VE LIMITED SIRKETI"). # Caught trying to DDoS SFS. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.21%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 202. # Updated: 2019.07.23 2a04:4280:10::/48 Deny Generic 2a04:4280:20::/48 Deny Generic 2a04:4280:30::/48 Deny Generic 2a04:4280:100::/48 Deny Generic 2a04:4280:200::/48 Deny Generic 2a04:8340::/29 Deny Generic 2a05:abc0::/29 Deny Generic 2a05:b380::/29 Deny Generic 2a05:b700::/29 Deny Generic 2a05:ba00::/29 Deny Generic 2a05:bf00::/29 Deny Generic 2a05:ccc0::/29 Deny Generic 2a05:f740::/29 Deny Generic 2a05:f7c0::/29 Deny Generic 2a07:21c0::/29 Deny Generic 2a07:cd00::/48 Deny Generic Origin: TR 2402:1780:1::/48 Deny Generic Origin: TW Tag: DGN TEKNOLOJI # ASN 38731 ("Vietel - CHT Compamy Ltd"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.21%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 4.91%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 591. # Updated: 2016.12.24 / Checked: 2019.09.03 2401:5f80::/34 Deny Generic 2401:5f80:4000::/35 Deny Generic Origin: VN Tag: Vietel --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 6876 ("TeNeT Scientific Production Enterprise LLC"). # Source of forum spam and other unwanted traffic. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 1.03%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 1,897. # Updated: 2016.07.20 / Checked: 2019.07.04 2a04:2c00::/29 Deny Generic Origin: UA Tag: TeNeT # ASN 31252 ("Starnet Servicii SRL"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.55%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 57,744. # Updated: 2017.03.11 / Checked: 2019.05.10 2a00:9900::/29 Deny Generic 2a01:320::/29 Deny Generic 2a0b:dd00::/29 Deny Generic Origin: MD Tag: STARNET S.R.L # ASN 23860 ("Alliance Broadband Services Pvt. Ltd"). # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 20.87%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 279. # Updated: 2018.06.06 / Checked: 2019.08.21 2407:cb00::/32 Deny Spam Origin: IN Tag: Alliance Broadband --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 17747 ("SITI NETWORKS LIMITED"). # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 19.89%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 372. # Updated: 2016.09.04 / Checked: 2019.09.10 2402:ea80::/48 Deny Spam 2406:3c80::/46 Deny Spam Origin: IN Tag: SITI NETWORKS LTD --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 23888 ("National Telecommunication Corporation HQ"). # Source of forum/blog spam. Also an ISP with human endpoints in Pakistan. # Websites based in, or targeted towards a Pakistani audience, should keep it # listed in their ignore.dat file. Marked for use with reCAPTCHA. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 35.43%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 23. # Updated: 2019.08.01 2407:9e00::/48 Deny Spam Origin: PK Tag: AS23888 --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 45804 ("MEGHBELA BROADBAND"). # Significant source of forum/blog spam. Also a legit Indian ISP with human # endpoints. Websites based in, or targeted towards an Indian audience, should # keep it listed in their ignore.dat file. Marked for use with reCAPTCHA. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 288. # Updated: 2019.08.01 2403:8500:100::/40 Deny Spam 2403:8500:200::/39 Deny Spam 2403:8500:400::/38 Deny Spam 2403:8500:800::/39 Deny Spam 2403:8500:1200::/40 Deny Spam Origin: IN Tag: MEGHBELA BROADBAND --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 45271 ("Idea Cellular Limited"). # Significant source of forum/blog spam. Also a legit Indian ISP with human # endpoints. Websites based in, or targeted towards an Indian audience, should # keep it listed in their ignore.dat file. Marked for use with reCAPTCHA. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 36.57%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 245. # Updated: 2019.08.01 2402:8100:b::/48 Deny Spam 2402:8100:2000::/41 Deny Spam 2402:8100:2080::/42 Deny Spam 2402:8100:20d1::/48 Deny Spam 2402:8100:20d2::/48 Deny Spam 2402:8100:2180::/48 Deny Spam 2402:8100:2280::/43 Deny Spam 2402:8100:2300::/43 Deny Spam 2402:8100:2800::/41 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3000::/43 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3020::/44 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3030::/48 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3038::/45 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3040::/44 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3050::/45 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3080::/44 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3090::/45 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3098::/48 Deny Spam 2402:8100:30a0::/45 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3800::/47 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3804::/46 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3808::/45 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3810::/44 Deny Spam 2402:8100:383c::/46 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3840::/42 Deny Spam 2402:8100:38c0::/42 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3900::/43 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3920::/45 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3928::/48 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3940::/42 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3980::/44 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3990::/45 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3998::/46 Deny Spam 2402:8100:399c::/47 Deny Spam 2402:8100:399e::/48 Deny Spam 2402:8100:39a0::/44 Deny Spam 2402:8100:39c0::/45 Deny Spam 2402:8100:39c8::/46 Deny Spam 2402:8100:39cc::/48 Deny Spam 2402:8100:39d0::/44 Deny Spam 2402:8100:39e0::/45 Deny Spam 2402:8100:39e8::/46 Deny Spam 2402:8100:39ec::/48 Deny Spam 2402:8100:39f0::/44 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3a00::/42 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3a40::/45 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3a48::/46 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3a4c::/47 Deny Spam 2402:8100:3a4e::/48 Deny Spam Origin: IN Tag: Idea Cellular --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASNs 12530, 15895, 35081 ('"Kyivstar" PJSC'). # Absolutely **INSANE** levels of spam coming from this network!! Shouldn't # ever, ever let them through, if at all possible. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 3.23% (AS12530). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 22,323 (AS12530), 5,308,438 (AS15895). # Updated: 2016.09.06 / Checked: 2019.08.18 2a02:8a8::/32 Deny Spam 2a02:2378::/32 Deny Spam Origin: UA Tag: Kyivstar # ASN 13188 ("CONTENT DELIVERY NETWORK LTD", A.K.A. "TRIOLAN, UA"). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 145,394. # Updated: 2019.07.23 2a03:7380::/38 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:400::/39 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:600::/41 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:1e00::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:1e80::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:1f40::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:1f80::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:2000::/38 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:2400::/40 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:2500::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:2fc0::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:3000::/39 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:3200::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:3800::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:4000::/41 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:4080::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:5400::/41 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:5480::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:5840::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:5c00::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:5c80::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:6000::/41 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:6400::/42 Deny Spam 2a03:7380:7380::/42 Deny Spam Origin: UA Tag: AS13188-CDN-LTD # ASN 15377 ('ISP "Fregat" Ltd.'). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 938. # Updated: 2019.08.29 2a00:4f00::/32 Deny Spam 2a05:2580::/29 Deny Spam 2a05:8dc0::/29 Deny Spam Origin: UA Tag: Fregat # ASN 48666 ("MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.23%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 1,648. # Updated: 2018.09.07 / Checked: 2019.07.07 2a02:f680::/29 Deny Spam 2a0c:6ec0::/48 Deny Spam Origin: RU Tag: MAROSNET # ASNs 7552, 24086, 37620, 133606, 262210, 327799, 327885 ("Viettel Corporation"). # Legit/real human endpoint ISP with high levels of spam/abuse reports listed at various DBs. List in the "ignore.dat" # file if the signature section causes any problems. # Updated: 2018.10.25 / Checked: 2019.08.21 2800:cc0::/32 Deny Spam Origin: PE 2402:800::/32 Deny Spam Origin: VN Tag: Viettel Corporation --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 200019 ("ALEXHOST SRL"). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 289. # Updated: 2019.08.18 2001:678:6d4::/48 Deny Generic 2a09:7c46::/32 Deny Generic Origin: MD Tag: ALEXHOST SRL # ASNs 11572, 29656, 57872, 60558, 207134 ("PHOENIX NAP, LLC"). # Updated: 2017.07.08 / Checked: 2019.05.17 2a00:8860::/32 Deny Generic Origin: EU Tag: PHOENIX NAP, LLC # ASNs 24955, 41704 ("Orenburgskaya Gorodskaya Set, ZAO"). # Caught spamming while pretending to be Google. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 52,827 (AS24955), 84,383 (AS41704). # Updated: 2019.07.09 2a02:1c8::/47 Deny Spam 2a02:1c8:7::/48 Deny Spam 2a02:1c8:90::/44 Deny Spam 2a02:1c8:100::/40 Deny Spam 2a02:1c8:700::/40 Deny Spam Origin: RU Tag: Ufanet --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 9829 ("BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd)"). # A large network with significant human endpoints, but the infection rate # listed at CBL is very high, there are numerous spam events, etc. Marked for # use with reCAPTCHA to reduce the false positive risk. Websites intended for # an Indian audience should keep it listed in their ignore.dat file. Possibly # may remove this section in the future if the network ever cleans up its act. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.23%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 10.42%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 7,430. # Updated: 2019.07.18 2001:4490::/43 Deny Spam 2001:4490:3fc::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:400::/43 Deny Spam 2001:4490:7f8::/45 Deny Spam 2001:4490:800::/45 Deny Spam 2001:4490:80c::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:810::/44 Deny Spam 2001:4490:bfc::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:c00::/43 Deny Spam 2001:4490:ffc::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:3000::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:3200::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:3400::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:3600::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:3800::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:3a00::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:3c00::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:3d00::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:3e00::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:3f00::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:3ffc::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4000::/41 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4080::/44 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4090::/45 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4098::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4400::/41 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4480::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:44c0::/45 Deny Spam 2001:4490:44c8::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4800::/41 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4880::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:48c0::/43 Deny Spam 2001:4490:48e0::/45 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4c1c::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4e00::/41 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4e80::/42 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4ec0::/45 Deny Spam 2001:4490:4ec8::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:7000::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:7400::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:7c00::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d000::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d040::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d080::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d0c0::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d100::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d140::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d180::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d1c0::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d240::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d280::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d380::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d4c0::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d500::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d660::/45 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d700::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d760::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d780::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d7a0::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d800::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d820::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d8c0::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d930::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d970::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d980::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:d9a0::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:da00::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:da30::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:da70::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:dad0::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:db40::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:dbf0::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:dc4c::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:dd18::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:dda8::/45 Deny Spam 2001:4490:ddb0::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:de18::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:de24::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:dfa8::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:e000::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:efe4::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:efe8::/45 Deny Spam 2001:4490:eff0::/44 Deny Spam 2001:4490:f020::/46 Deny Spam 2001:4490:fffc::/46 Deny Spam Origin: IN 2600:1417:50::/47 Deny Spam 2600:1417:71::/48 Deny Spam Origin: US Tag: BSNL --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 4134 ("China Telecom Backbone"). # Interlaces with numerous providers and contains a large portion of Chinese # human access endpoints. Can't easily ignore the unwanted traffic coming from # this ASN (spam events, hack attempts, brute-force attempts, probing, etc), # nor its listing at a number of BLs. Marked for use with reCAPTCHA to reduce # the false positive risk. Websites intended for a Chinese audience should keep # this section listed in their ignore.dat file. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.98%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 0.82%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 41,065. # Updated: 2019.06.14 2406:8500::/32 Deny Generic 240e::/20 Deny Generic Origin: CN 2a04:f580:8000::/48 Deny Generic 2a04:f580:8010::/47 Deny Generic 2a04:f580:8090::/48 Deny Generic 2a04:f580:80a0::/48 Deny Generic 2a04:f580:8200::/48 Deny Generic 2a04:f580:8210::/47 Deny Generic 2a04:f580:8290::/48 Deny Generic Origin: GB 2400:9380:8000::/47 Deny Generic 2400:9380:8003::/48 Deny Generic 2400:9380:8020::/47 Deny Generic 2400:9380:8030::/48 Deny Generic 2400:9380:8040::/48 Deny Generic 2400:9380:8140::/48 Deny Generic 2400:9380:8200::/47 Deny Generic 2400:9380:8221::/48 Deny Generic 2400:9380:8301::/48 Deny Generic Origin: HK 2605:9d80:8001::/48 Deny Generic 2605:9d80:8011::/48 Deny Generic 2605:9d80:8031::/48 Deny Generic 2605:9d80:8041::/48 Deny Generic 2605:9d80:8081::/48 Deny Generic Origin: US 2c0f:f7a8:8010::/47 Deny Generic 2c0f:f7a8:8050::/48 Deny Generic 2c0f:f7a8:805f::/48 Deny Generic 2c0f:f7a8:8150::/48 Deny Generic 2c0f:f7a8:815f::/48 Deny Generic 2c0f:f7a8:8210::/47 Deny Generic Origin: ZA Tag: China Backbone 4134 --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 4812 ("China Telecom (Group)"). # Interlaces with numerous providers and contains a large portion of Chinese # human access endpoints. Can't easily ignore the unwanted traffic coming from # this ASN (spam events, hack attempts, brute-force attempts, probing, etc), # nor its listing at a number of BLs. Marked for use with reCAPTCHA to reduce # the false positive risk. Websites intended for a Chinese audience should keep # this section listed in their ignore.dat file. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.61%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 0.11%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 1,615. # Updated: 2019.07.18 2401:3480:2000::/48 Deny Generic 240e:18::/31 Deny Generic 240e:2e::/33 Deny Generic 240e:58::/32 Deny Generic 240e:59::/33 Deny Generic 240e:e0::/32 Deny Generic 240e:e1:8000::/33 Deny Generic 240e:e2::/35 Deny Generic 240e:e3:8000::/33 Deny Generic 240e:e5:8000::/33 Deny Generic 240e:e6::/32 Deny Generic 240e:106:c000::/34 Deny Generic 240e:108:21::/48 Deny Generic 240e:108:41::/48 Deny Generic 240e:108:4a::/48 Deny Generic 240e:108:83::/48 Deny Generic 240e:109:8021::/48 Deny Generic 240e:146:c000::/34 Deny Generic 240e:186:c000::/34 Deny Generic 240e:1c6:c000::/34 Deny Generic 240e:26c::/30 Deny Generic 240e:388::/29 Deny Generic 240e:46c::/30 Deny Generic 240e:56c::/30 Deny Generic 240e:688::/29 Deny Generic 240e:698:2100::/40 Deny Generic 240e:788::/29 Deny Generic 240e:96c::/30 Deny Generic 240e:980:2100::/40 Deny Generic 240e:980:4100::/40 Deny Generic 240e:980:4a00::/40 Deny Generic 240e:980:8300::/40 Deny Generic Origin: CN Tag: China Telecom 4812 --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 4837 ("China Unicom Backbone"). # Interlaces with numerous providers and contains a large portion of Chinese # human access endpoints. Can't easily ignore the unwanted traffic coming from # this ASN (spam events, hack attempts, brute-force attempts, probing, etc), # nor its listing at a number of BLs. Marked for use with reCAPTCHA to reduce # the false positive risk. Websites intended for a Chinese audience should keep # this section listed in their ignore.dat file. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.70%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 0.51%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 83,517. # Updated: 2019.07.18 2408:8000::/48 Deny Generic 2408:8000:2::/47 Deny Generic 2408:8000:2000::/35 Deny Generic 2408:8000:4000::/34 Deny Generic 2408:8000:8000::/36 Deny Generic 2408:8000:a000::/35 Deny Generic 2408:8000:c000::/34 Deny Generic 2408:8001::/35 Deny Generic 2408:8001:2000::/36 Deny Generic 2408:8001:4000::/34 Deny Generic 2408:8001:8000::/33 Deny Generic 2408:802a:8000::/33 Deny Generic 2408:802c::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8033:8000::/33 Deny Generic 2408:8034::/32 Deny Generic 2408:803e::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8056::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8077::/33 Deny Generic 2408:80c2::/33 Deny Generic 2408:80e2::/33 Deny Generic 2408:80e3:8000::/33 Deny Generic 2408:80e7::/34 Deny Generic 2408:80e9:4000::/34 Deny Generic 2408:80f5:4000::/34 Deny Generic 2408:80f9:4000::/34 Deny Generic 2408:815f:e000::/35 Deny Generic 2408:8210::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8214::/31 Deny Generic 2408:821a::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8220::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8226::/32 Deny Generic 2408:822a::/32 Deny Generic 2408:822e::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8230::/29 Deny Generic 2408:8238::/31 Deny Generic 2408:823c::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8240::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8244::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8248::/30 Deny Generic 2408:824c::/32 Deny Generic 2408:824e::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8250::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8254::/31 Deny Generic 2408:825c::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8260::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8262::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8264::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8266::/32 Deny Generic 2408:826a::/32 Deny Generic 2408:826c::/32 Deny Generic 2408:826e::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8270::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8274::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8278::/31 Deny Generic 2408:827a::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8310::/30 Deny Generic 2408:832e::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8330::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8340::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8344::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8348::/30 Deny Generic 2408:834e::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8350::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8354::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8360::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8364::/31 Deny Generic 2408:836e::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8374::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8378::/31 Deny Generic 2408:837a::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8410::/30 Deny Generic 2408:842a::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8434::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8462::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8464::/31 Deny Generic 2408:846c::/32 Deny Generic 2408:846e::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8478::/31 Deny Generic 2408:84e3::/32 Deny Generic 2408:84e4::/30 Deny Generic 2408:84e9::/32 Deny Generic 2408:84eb::/32 Deny Generic 2408:84ec::/30 Deny Generic 2408:84f0::/31 Deny Generic 2408:84f2::/32 Deny Generic 2408:84f4::/30 Deny Generic 2408:84f8::/29 Deny Generic 2408:8610::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8614::/31 Deny Generic 2408:861a::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8620::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8626::/32 Deny Generic 2408:862a::/32 Deny Generic 2408:862e::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8630::/29 Deny Generic 2408:8638::/31 Deny Generic 2408:863c::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8640::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8642::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8644::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8648::/30 Deny Generic 2408:864c::/32 Deny Generic 2408:864e::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8650::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8652::/32 Deny Generic 2408:865c::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8660::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8662::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8664::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8666::/32 Deny Generic 2408:866a::/32 Deny Generic 2408:866c::/32 Deny Generic 2408:866e::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8670::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8674::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8678::/31 Deny Generic 2408:867a::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8710::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8719::/32 Deny Generic 2408:871a::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8720::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8726::/32 Deny Generic 2408:872b::/32 Deny Generic 2408:872f::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8730::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8734::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8736::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8738::/32 Deny Generic 2408:873c::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8740::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8742::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8744::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8748::/30 Deny Generic 2408:874c::/32 Deny Generic 2408:874e::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8752::/32 Deny Generic 2408:875c::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8760::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8762::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8764::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8766::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8768::/32 Deny Generic 2408:876a::/32 Deny Generic 2408:876c::/32 Deny Generic 2408:876e::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8770::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8773::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8774::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8776::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8778::/32 Deny Generic 2408:877a::/32 Deny Generic Origin: CN Tag: China Backbone 4837 --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 3462 ("Data Communication Business Group"). # Would prefer to not include this ASN in this file due to the high risk of # false positives, but the amount of spam events seen from this ASN isn't # ignorable at this time. Marked for use with reCAPTCHA to reduce the false # positive risk, and I would encourage any CIDRAM users from Taiwan, or # targeting traffic from Taiwan, to list this section in their ignore.dat file # to reduce the false positive risk. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.21%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 0.43%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 14,631. # Updated: 2019.03.09 / Checked: 2019.07.03 2001:b000::/21 Deny Generic 2405:6100::/32 Deny Generic 2406:300::/32 Deny Generic 2407:4700::/32 Deny Generic Origin: TW Tag: DCBG --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 4808 ("China Unicom Beijing Province Network"). # Would prefer to not include this ASN in this file due to the high risk of # false positives, but the amount of spam events seen from this ASN isn't # ignorable at this time. Marked for use with reCAPTCHA to reduce the false # positive risk, and I would encourage any CIDRAM users from Taiwan or China, # or targeting traffic from Taiwan or China, to list this section in their # ignore.dat file to reduce the false positive risk. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.66%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 10,700. # Updated: 2019.07.23 2400:5280:f800::/38 Deny Generic 2400:89c0:1010::/44 Deny Generic 2400:89c0:1020::/43 Deny Generic 2402:dfc0::/44 Deny Generic 2402:ef40::/32 Deny Generic 2403:5280::/32 Deny Generic 2404:a80::/32 Deny Generic 2405:1480::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8000:1000::/36 Deny Generic 2408:8020::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8024::/33 Deny Generic 2408:80e0:4000::/34 Deny Generic 2408:80e0:8000::/33 Deny Generic 2408:80f0:4000::/34 Deny Generic 2408:80f0:8000::/33 Deny Generic 2408:8140:2000::/48 Deny Generic 2408:8206::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8208::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8306::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8308::/30 Deny Generic 2408:84e1::/32 Deny Generic 2408:8606::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8608::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8706::/31 Deny Generic 2408:8708::/30 Deny Generic 2408:8806:30::/44 Deny Generic Origin: CN Tag: China Unicom 4808 --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 45899 ("VietNam Post and Telecom Corporation"). # Would prefer to not include this ASN in this file due to the high risk of # false positives, but the amount of attempted spamming, hacking, probing, etc # seen from this ASN, plus its presence in numerous worst offenders lists and # blacklists, are not ignorable at this time. Marked for use with reCAPTCHA to # reduce the false positive risk, and I would encourage any CIDRAM users from # Vietnam, or targeting traffic from Vietnam, to list this section in their # ignore.dat file to reduce the false positive risk. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.12%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 6.46%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 21,913. # Updated: 2019.07.03 2001:df2:ca00::/48 Deny Generic 2001:df2:ce00::/48 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:1::/48 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:100::/40 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:200::/40 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:300::/47 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:305::/48 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:1006::/48 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:1080::/48 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:2f00::/43 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:3000::/43 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:3100::/43 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:3200::/40 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4000::/39 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4240::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4280::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4340::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4380::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4400::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:44c0::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4500::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4580::/41 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4640::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4680::/41 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4700::/40 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4840::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4880::/41 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4900::/40 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4b00::/40 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4c00::/39 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4e00::/41 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4e80::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:4f00::/40 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:5000::/39 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:5200::/40 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:5300::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:5380::/41 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:5400::/39 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:5600::/40 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:5700::/41 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7240::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7280::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7340::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:73c0::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7400::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:74c0::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7500::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7580::/41 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7640::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7680::/41 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7700::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7780::/41 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7840::/42 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7880::/41 Deny Generic 2001:ee0:7900::/40 Deny Generic 2405:f980::/48 Deny Generic Origin: VN Tag: VNPT Corp --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 18403 ("The Corporation for Financing & Promoting Technology"). # Interlaces with numerous providers and contains a large portion of Vietnamese human access endpoints; Would rather # not be including this section here due to the high risk of false positives, but amount of spamming, hacking, # attempted brute-forcing, probing, etc seen from this ASN can't be ignored. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.25%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 3.04%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 10,011. # Updated: 2019.06.02 2001:df2:d900::/48 Deny Generic 2001:df6:1e00::/48 Deny Generic 2401:f2c0::/32 Deny Generic 2401:f740::/32 Deny Generic 2403:6a40::/48 Deny Generic 2404:b740::/48 Deny Generic 2404:dac0::/48 Deny Generic 2405:4800::/32 Deny Generic Origin: VN Tag: CFPT --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASNs 9498, 9730, 24560, 37140, 45517, 45609, 132045 ("Bharti Airtel"). # Interlaces with numerous providers and contains a significant number of human # endpoints in India, but is also a significant source of spam. Marked for use # with reCAPTCHA to reduce the risk of false positives. CIDRAM users that # expect traffic from India should list this section in their ignore.dat file. # - When updating, remove anything from Australia (AU), Ireland (IE), # Singapore (SG), United States (US). # Updated: 2019.08.25 2401:4900:50::/48 Deny Spam 2401:4900:808::/45 Deny Spam 2401:4900:810::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:840::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:880::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:900::/41 Deny Spam 2401:4900:980::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:a00::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:a80::/41 Deny Spam 2401:4900:b00::/41 Deny Spam 2401:4900:b80::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:c00::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:c80::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:d00::/41 Deny Spam 2401:4900:ea0::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1000::/41 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1100::/41 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1200::/42 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1260::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1280::/41 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1680::/41 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1700::/42 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1740::/45 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1800::/41 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1880::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:18e0::/45 Deny Spam 2401:4900:18e8::/46 Deny Spam 2401:4900:18f0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1900::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1950::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1971::/48 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1975::/48 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1980::/41 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1a50::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1a70::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1a80::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1aa0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1af0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1b10::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1b30::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1b60::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1b80::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1d00::/41 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1f20::/48 Deny Spam 2401:4900:1f26::/48 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2000::/48 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2080::/48 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2100::/46 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2104::/47 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2150::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2160::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2180::/46 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2184::/47 Deny Spam 2401:4900:22a0::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:22c0::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:22e0::/48 Deny Spam 2401:4900:22f0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2300::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2320::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2340::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2500::/46 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2504::/47 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2580::/41 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2600::/39 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2e80::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2ec0::/42 Deny Spam 2401:4900:2f00::/40 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3050::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:30b0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:30c0::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:30e0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3100::/42 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3140::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3280::/42 Deny Spam 2401:4900:32e0::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3300::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3320::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3360::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:33b0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:33c0::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:35f0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3600::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3620::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3670::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3680::/42 Deny Spam 2401:4900:36c0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3820::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:3840::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:4020::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:4040::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:40a0::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:40c0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:40f0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:4120::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:4180::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:41a0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:41c0::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:41f0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:4200::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:4220::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:43a0::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:4820::/43 Deny Spam 2401:4900:4840::/44 Deny Spam 2401:4900:4940::/44 Deny Spam 2403:c00:3::/48 Deny Spam 2404:a800::/32 Deny Spam 2405:a700:14::/47 Deny Spam 2405:a700:1b::/48 Deny Spam 2405:a700:1c::/48 Deny Spam 2407:7400::/48 Deny Spam Origin: IN 2400:ff00::/32 Deny Spam Origin: LK Tag: Bharti Airtel --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 9808 ("Guangdong Mobile Communication Co.Ltd"). # Chinese mobile phone and data carrier. Listed here because of numerous spam # events being detected. Websites intended for a Chinese audience should keep # it listed in their ignore.dat file. (Omit invalids when updating). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.28%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 0.02%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 2,237. # Updated: 2018.09.10 / Checked: 2019.07.18 2409:8000::/20 Deny Spam Origin: CN Tag: Guangdong Mobile --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 9387 ("AUGERE-Pakistan"). # Listed due to spam incidence. (Omit invalids when updating). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 46. # Updated: 2017.03.22 / Checked: 2019.07.18 2401:4100::/32 Deny Spam Origin: PK Tag: AUGERE-Pakistan --- recaptcha: enabled: true # "PJSC Rostelecom". # Known ASNs: 3239, 5573, 6828, 6863, 8382, 8443, 8557, 8568, 8570, 8594, 8675, 8828, 8997, 12332, 12380, 12389, # 12683, 12705, 12730, 12846, 13056, 13118, 15468, 15759, 16054, 16287, 16301, 20519, 21017, 21378, 21479, 21487, # 24665, 24699, 24783, 24789, 24810, 24810, 24873, 25436, 25490, 25515, 28719, 28860, 29456, 30749, 31094, 31185, # 31353, 31496, 33887, 33934, 34137, 34168, 34205, 34267, 34584, 34875, 34974, 35125, 35154, 35177, 35389, 35400, # 35516, 35531, 38951, 38985, 39054, 39229, 39407, 41134, 42091, 42362, 42548, 42610, 43053, 43132, 43574, 44237, # 44412, 44467, 47460, 56341, 56350, 196747. # Very large amount of spam originating from this provider, which we could prevent by blocking the CIDRs associated # with it. Unfortunately, it also happens to be the #1 largest ISP in Russia, and blocking it entirely would # effectively be blocking the majority of human visitors to access protected websites visiting from within Russia, # which we don't want to be doing by default (although, for those that don't mind this idea, the optional blocklist # provided by MacMathan for blocking Russia would be highly recommended as a means to do so). Aggregating such a large # number of different ASNs into the one same section generally isn't a good idea either, due to increased # maintainability costs. As a compromise, I propose including a section here for PJSC Rostelecom, but we'll only # include those ASNs/CIDRs that we can clearly identify as being significant sources of spam, significantly "toxic", # etc. As an additional safety measure to minimise false positives, the section is marked for use with reCAPTCHA. If # this strategy fails, we may upgrade this section to eventually include the entire announces aggregate anyhow, and # just include an entry in ours ignores file to ignore by default, until commented out or removed. # ASN 12389 ("PJSC Rostelecom"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.18%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 0.54. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 336,612. # Updated: 2019.03.17 / Checked: 2019.07.16 2a00:1640::/32 Deny Spam 2a00:1e88::/32 Deny Spam 2a01:540::/32 Deny Spam 2a01:620::/32 Deny Spam Origin: RU Tag: PJSC Rostelecom --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 8402 ("OJSC Vimpelcom"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.81%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 2,454. # Similarly to with the Rostelecom CIDRs, blocking the entirety of all "Vimpelcom" ASNs could be problematic. Instead, # we'll try to limit listings to those CIDRs known to be problematic (hacking events, spamming events, etc). # Updated: 2017.06.08 / Checked: 2019.05.13 2a00:18c0::/32 Deny Generic Origin: RU Tag: OJSC Vimpelcom --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 3216 ("PJSC Vimpelcom"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 4.99%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 3,224. # Similarly to with the Rostelecom CIDRs, blocking the entirety of all "Vimpelcom" ASNs could be problematic. Instead, # we'll try to limit listings to those CIDRs known to be problematic (hacking events, spamming events, etc). # Updated: 2017.09.30 / Checked: 2019.05.28 2a00:1248::/32 Deny Generic Origin: RU Tag: PJSC Vimpelcom --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 31200 ("Novotelecom Ltd"). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 1,061. # When updating ASNs, only block the problematic ASNs (those with known cases # of hacking events, spamming, etc); don't block the entire network. # Updated: 2017.09.30 / Checked: 2019.09.18 2a00:7700::/32 Deny Generic Origin: RU Tag: Novotelecom Ltd --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 3255 (State Enterprise Scientific and Telecommunication Centre "Ukrainian Academic and Research Network" of the # Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine / UARNet). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.20%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 843. # Updated: 2017.07.08 / Checked: 2019.05.07 2a00:fc00::/32 Deny Spam Origin: UA Tag: UARNet --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 44493 ("Chelyabinsk-Signal"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.49%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 459. # Updated: 2017.07.08 / Checked: 2019.08.29 2a03:a0e0::/32 Deny Spam Origin: RU Tag: Chelyabinsk-Signal --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 15774 ("Closed Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom"). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 811. # Updated: 2019.03.10 / Checked: 2019.07.09 2a02:618:6::/47 Deny Spam 2a02:28d8::/36 Deny Spam 2a03:600::/32 Deny Spam 2a03:3700::/33 Deny Spam Origin: RU Tag: TransTeleCom --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASNs 12768, 25408, 34533, 41661, 41668, 41727, 41754, 42116, 42682, 50542, # 51570, 59713 ('JSC "ER-Telecom Holding"'). # ER-Telecom is a legit, major domestic ISP in Russia, but also a significant # source of spam. Websites intended for a Russian audience should keep this # section listed in their ignore.dat file. Section also marked for use with # reCAPTCHA by default. ER-Telecom currently announces 87 ASNs, but we're # including only those that currently have more than a thousand active listings # at SFS (that's 12 ASNs at this time). # Updated: 2019.07.18 2a00:1c78::/29 Deny Spam 2a02:2698::/38 Deny Spam 2a02:2698:1400::/38 Deny Spam 2a02:2698:2800::/37 Deny Spam 2a02:2698:3800::/38 Deny Spam 2a02:2698:4400::/38 Deny Spam 2a02:2698:4c00::/38 Deny Spam 2a02:2698:5c00::/38 Deny Spam 2a02:2698:6800::/37 Deny Spam 2a02:2698:9000::/38 Deny Spam 2a02:2698:a000::/47 Deny Spam 2a02:2698:a0ff::/64 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:503:5700::/56 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:503:9000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:503:a000::/51 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:503:c000::/51 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:510:1800::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:510:4000::/51 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:510:6000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5a4:4000::/50 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5a4:8000::/49 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5a5:2000::/51 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5a5:4000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5a6:8000::/50 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5a6:c000::/51 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5a6:e000::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5a7:a000::/51 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:2570::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:2570:1800::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:2570:7800::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:2570:8000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:2571::/50 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:2571:8000::/50 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:2e00::/48 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:2e92::/48 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:2e93::/50 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:2e93:4000::/51 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:2e93:e000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:2efc:7000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:4f8d:3000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5571:2000::/51 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5b90:8400::/54 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5b90:8c00::/54 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5b90:9000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5b90:ac00::/54 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5b90:b000::/54 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5b90:b800::/54 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5b90:bc00::/56 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5b90:be00::/55 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5cff:8000::/51 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5cff:c000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5cff:d800::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5cff:e000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5cff:f400::/54 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5cff:f800::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5eb4:8000::/49 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5eb5:2000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5eb5:8000::/49 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5f4e::/49 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5f4e:8000::/50 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:5f4f::/48 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:6dc2:3000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:6dc2:8000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:6dc2:9f00::/56 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:6dc2:b000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:6dc2:c000::/50 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:6dc3:3000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:6dc3:5000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:b0d4::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:b0d4:8000::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:b0d5::/51 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:b0d5:6800::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:b0d6:3000::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:b0d6:8000::/51 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:b0d6:b800::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:b0d7:2000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:b2a1:c800::/54 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:b2a1:d200::/56 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:b2a1:d400::/54 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:b2a1:fe00::/55 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:bcba:3000::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:bcbb::/49 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:bcbb:8800::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:bcbb:d800::/55 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:bcbb:da00::/56 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:bcbb:f600::/56 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:bce8:4000::/52 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:bcea::/50 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:bcea:7400::/54 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:bcea:a800::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:bcea:b000::/53 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:bceb::/50 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:c196:6900::/56 Deny Spam 2a03:1ac0:d421:e000::/51 Deny Spam Origin: RU Tag: ER-Telecom Holding --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 16010 ("Magticom Ltd"). # Spam events originating from this network slowly becoming worse over time. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 90,665. # Updated: 2019.08.18 2a0b:6200::/29 Deny Spam Origin: GE Tag: Magticom Ltd --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 7642 ("Dhivehi Raajjeyge Gulhun Plc (Dhiraagu)"). # ISP from the Maldives with human endpoints, but also a source of spam. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 1.59%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 185. # Updated: 2019.09.03 2406:e400::/32 Deny Spam Origin: MV Tag: Dhivehi Raajjeyge --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASNs 8369, 198675, 199619 ("Intersvyaz-2 JSC"). # Caught trying to hack into WordPress sites. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 2,365 (AS8369). # Updated: 2018.03.27 / Checked: 2019.06.23 2a02:22a8::/32 Deny Generic Origin: RU Tag: --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 25408 ("WEST CALL SPb LLC"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.91%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 1,042. # Updated: 2017.11.26 / Checked: 2019.06.15 2a00:1c78::/29 Deny Generic Origin: RU Tag: WEST CALL SPb LLC --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 198093 ("Foreningen for digitala fri- och rattigheter"). # Dead homepage and high levels of automated spam from this ASN. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 13,173. # Updated: 2017.12.11 / Checked: 2019.09.18 2001:67c:16b0::/48 Deny Spam 2001:67c:289c::/48 Deny Spam Origin: SE Tag: Foreningen # ASN 31148 ("Freenet Ltd"). # Ukrainian ISP with human endpoints, but also a frequent source of spam and # hack attempts. Numerous listings at and! Marked for # use with reCAPTCHA to reduce the false positive risk, and CIDRAM users from # the Ukraine, or targeting traffic from the Ukraine, should list this section # in their ignore.dat file to reduce the false positive risk (but the ISP could # be considered high risk for others elsewhere, so would best continue to be # blocked). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 1,930. # Updated: 2018.02.20 / Checked: 2019.08.03 2a00:1228::/32 Deny Generic Origin: UA Tag: Freenet Ltd --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 9009 ("M247 Ltd"). # Multiplay network providing broadband connectivity, server leasing, line rental, webhosting services and others. # Anything marked as "server" or "host", we'll move to the cloud/hosting signature files. ^(.*(?:Host|Server).*)\x01$ # Everything else can go in the ISPs signature files. When updating, to reduce the risk of false positives: # - Remove all subordinates of from final aggregate (already blocked elsewhere and don't want duplicates). # - "Secure Internet LLC" mark as proxy (not generic). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 255,032. # Updated: 2019.09.15 2604:17c0::/41 Deny Generic 2604:17c0:80::/42 Deny Generic Origin: AQ 2a03:f80:65::/48 Deny Generic 2a03:f80:81::/48 Deny Generic 2a03:f80:381::/48 Deny Generic Origin: AT 2001:978:2305::/48 Deny Generic 2001:978:3400::/48 Deny Generic 2a0b:9040::/29 Deny Generic Origin: DE 2a0c:36c2::/31 Deny Generic Origin: EE 2a01:300::/29 Deny Generic 2a05:9f41:1a::/48 Deny Generic Origin: EU 2001:ac8::/32 Deny Generic 2a00:b320::/48 Deny Generic 2a02:40::/32 Deny Generic 2a02:710:1000:700::/56 Deny Generic 2a03:34c0::/32 Deny Generic 2a07:a343:120::/44 Deny Generic 2a07:a343:3c00::/44 Deny Generic 2a07:a343:7870::/44 Deny Generic 2a07:a343:94d0::/44 Deny Generic 2a07:a343:aee0::/44 Deny Generic 2a07:a343:bc70::/44 Deny Generic 2a07:a343:cd10::/44 Deny Generic 2a07:a343:ce30::/44 Deny Generic 2a07:a343:e0f0::/44 Deny Generic 2a07:a343:f210::/44 Deny Generic 2a0a:b640:1::/48 Deny Generic 2a0a:b640:2::/47 Deny Generic 2a0e:7a80::/29 Deny Generic Origin: GB 2a00:55a0:5::/48 Deny Generic 2a00:55a0:10::/48 Deny Generic 2a00:55a0:ea00::/40 Deny Generic 2a00:55a0:f000::/40 Deny Generic 2a00:55a0:f900::/40 Deny Generic 2a00:55a0:ff00::/40 Deny Generic Origin: IL 2a0d:db00::/32 Deny Generic Origin: LT 2001:678:8b4::/48 Deny Generic 2a04:9dc0::/29 Deny Generic 2a07:9200::/47 Deny Generic 2a07:9200:3::/48 Deny Generic 2a07:9200:6::/48 Deny Generic 2a0d:9980::/29 Deny Generic 2a0e:1d80:2::/47 Deny Generic 2a0e:1d80:4::/47 Deny Generic Origin: RO 2a07:de00::/29 Deny Generic Origin: RU 2001:550:1d05::/48 Deny Generic 2607:6980:e710::/44 Deny Generic 2a09:9bc0:a::/48 Deny Generic 2a0d:5600:1::/48 Deny Generic 2a0d:5600:2::/47 Deny Generic 2a0d:5600:4::/46 Deny Generic 2a0d:5600:8::/45 Deny Generic 2a0d:5600:11::/48 Deny Generic 2a0d:5600:12::/47 Deny Generic 2a0d:5600:14::/46 Deny Generic 2a0d:5600:18::/48 Deny Generic 2a0d:5600:20::/46 Deny Generic 2a0d:5600:24::/47 Deny Generic 2a0d:5600:34::/48 Deny Generic 2a0d:5600:a32::/48 Deny Generic Origin: US Tag: M247 Ltd --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 8708 ("RCS & RDS SA"). # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.19%. # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 0.67%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 2,206. # Updated: 2018.06.24 / Checked: 2019.08.22 2a02:2f00::/28 Deny Generic Origin: RO Tag: RCS & RDS SA --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 36351 ("SoftLayer Technologies"). # Careful when updating; Signatures reflect varying block reasons, split across multiple files. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.06%. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 7,776. # SoftLayer questionable multi-play networks, spammy ISPs, etc. # Includes: Anything citing "Starry". # ^(.*(Starry).*)$ # Excludes: Everything else. # Updated: 2018.06.24 / Checked: 2019.08.13 2403:ad80:10::/48 Deny Spam 2403:ad80:20::/48 Deny Spam Origin: HK Tag: SoftLayer Spam ISPs # ASNs 12322, 12876 ("ONLINE S.A.S"). # Caught trying to DDoS SFS. # Caught attempting to hack honeypots. # Spamming getting significantly worse! # Moved from cloud services to spammy ISPs signature files due to being a multi-play network. # Also provides internet connectivity in some parts of France. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 1.37% (12322), 0.14% (AS12876). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 1,337 (12322), 436,586 (AS12876). # Updated: 2018.06.24 / Checked: 2019.06.14 2001:bc8::/32 Deny Spam 2a01:e00::/26 Deny Spam Origin: FR Tag: ONLINE S.A.S --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 13249 ("IT Systems LLC"). # Caught trying to hack into WordPress sites. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 4. # Updated: 2018.07.28 / Checked: 2019.05.22 2a00:1d88::/32 Deny Generic Origin: UA Tag: IT Systems LLC # ASNs 31343, 38978, 43656, 51078 ("Intertelecom Ltd"). # Caught trying to hack into WordPress sites. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 140 (AS31343), 15 (AS43656), 161 (AS51078). # Updated: 2018.09.01 / Checked: 2019.07.20 2a04:1d00::/29 Deny Generic Origin: UA Tag: Intertelecom Ltd --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASNs 9198, 50482 ("JSC Kazakhtelecom"). # Legit ISP in Kazakhstan carrying human endpoints, but also a significant source of spam and other unwanted requests. # %Listed, Google Malware Dashboard: 0.17% (AS9198). # %Listed, (CBL-Listed): 0.95% (AS9198). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 2,126 (AS9198), 75 (AS50482). # Updated: 2018.09.15 / Checked: 2019.09.10 2a00:12f8::/32 Deny Spam Origin: KZ Tag: JSC Kazakhtelecom --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 8359 ("MTS PJSC"). # Caught trying to hack WordPress sites. # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 34,374. # Updated: 2018.09.23 / Checked: 2019.07.20 2a00:f00::/32 Deny Generic 2a00:1fa0::/29 Deny Generic 2a02:28::/29 Deny Generic Origin: RU 2a01:7c0::/32 Deny Generic Origin: UA Tag: MTS PJSC --- recaptcha: enabled: true # ASN 137874 ("Fibergrid"). # Stop Forum Spam (SFS) listings: 67. # Updated: 2019.05.27 2402:f4c0::/32 Deny Spam Origin: IN Tag: Fibergrid --- recaptcha: enabled: true