* @version V1.0 2002/July/18 (c) Erh-Wen,Kuo ([email protected]). All rights reserved.
* Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
* Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
* the BSD license will take precedence.
* purpose: This is a example how to use "ExcelGen" class to write number or text
* to excel file format and stream the output to user's browser directly.
//include "excelgen" class
include( "excelgen.class.php" );
//initiate a instance of "excelgen" class
$excel = new ExcelGen("ExcelGen");
//initiate $row,$col variables
//write text in cell(0,0)
$excel->WriteText($row,$col,"This is a ExcelGen Clas Example");
//write number in cell($row,$col)
//stream Excel for user to download or show on browser