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File: index.php

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  Classes of Michele Andreoli   Probability distribution   index.php   Download  
File: index.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example of use
Class: Probability distribution
Create noise with Gaussian or Poisson distribution
Author: By
Last change: update file name
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 1,793 bytes



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 * @author Michele Andreoli <>
 * @name index.php
 * @version 0.3 updated 06-07-2010
 * @license GNU Public License
 * @package Noise
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require_once 'Noise.class.php';
// Define a sinuosoidal function
$f = array();
$f[0] = 0;
            for (
$i = 1; $i < 512; $i++) {
$f[$i] = sin(2 * M_PI / 512 * $i);
// Define a exponential function
$g = array();
$index = 0;
            for (
$i = -200.0; $i < 200.0; $i += 400.0 / 512) {
$g[$index] = 1 + (2 * sqrt(pow(200.0, 2.0) - pow($i, 2.0)));
$noise = new Noise();
$filter = new Filter();
$fft = new FFT(512);
// Add gaussian noise in the sinusoidal function
$f = $noise->addGaussian($f, 0, 0.1);
// Add poissonian noise in the exponential function
$g = $noise->addPoisson($g);
// Calculate the FFT of function f with gaussian noise
$f = $fft->getAbsFFT($fft->fft($f));
// Remove the high frequency (noise)
$f = $filter->filterLP($f, 1);
// Calculate the inverse FFT of function f, and return the original signal f
$f = $fft->ifft($fft->doubleToComplex($f));
$f = $fft->complexToDouble($f);
            for (
$i = 0; $i < count($f); $i++)