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Boot Ubuntu-based ISOs with persistence --------------------------------------- Open the .ISO file (e.g. using 7Zip) and ensure it has a /isolinux folder and a /casper folder. 1. Change file extension from .iso to .isopersist eg H:\_ISO\LINUX\ubuntu_21_10_desktop_amd64.isopersist NO /isolinux folder so error PTN TABLE 3 IS ALREADY IN USE 3. Under Windows, run \_ISO\_Make_Ext.bat file (or \_ISO\docs\Make_Ext\Make_Ext.exe) as admin filename must match the ISO filename but end in -rw eg (H: is root of the E2B USB drive) H:\_ISO\LINUX\ubuntu_21_10_desktop_amd64-rw (~1 GB) Volume Name must be casper-rw for Ubuntu-based distros. Choose ext3 and a suitable file size eg 200 MB Click on the Make Ext File button. 3. Run the MAKE_THIS_DRIVE_CONTIGUOUS.cmd script as admin. Both files need to be contiguous. You should now be able to boot with persistence using the E2B or agFM menu system. Try creating a new folder on the Desktop and reboot to test it. Remember to ALWAYS use ?Shutdown? when you exit. Note: E2B requires that both partition 3 and 4 of the USB drive are unused. Use the agFM menu system if you have used Partition 3. Tip: If the .isopersist file fails to boot at a later date, then the persistence file has probably become corrupted. Use a BACKUP of an earlier version (if you saved one) or delete it and make another one (but all your changes will be lost). Add Fedora with persistence to E2B ---------------------------------- UEFI-booting ------------ An Easy2Boot v2 USB drive can UEFI-boot to the 'agFM' grub2 menu system and can directly load ISO/VHD/IMG/EFI files (if the 'agFM' UEFI boot files were added to Partition 2 when it was created). In addition, you can convert a payload to a .imgPTN partition image file using the MPI Tool Kit (a Windows utility). You then copy the .imgPTN file onto the E2B USB drive. Using the boot menu, you can then select any one of your .imgPTN files. This will then cause the Easy2Boot partition 1 to be instantly replaced by the contents of the .imgPTN file (you can instead use the Switch_E2B.exe utility to switch in any .imgPTN file). Once the .imgPTN file has been 'switched-in,' you can UEFI-boot (even Secure UEFI-boot) directly from the USB drive. In this way, you can have hundreds of Secure UEFI-bootable images such as Windows Installers, Linux Installers, Linux Live OS's, WindowsToGo OS, MemTest86, KonBoot, etc. all on the same USB drive. Linux ISOs + persistence ------------------------ To set up most linux ISOs with persistence, find a suitable .mnu file in the \_ISO\docs\Sample mnu Files folder on the E2B USB drive and read the instructions at the top of the file. You will need to change the name of the ISO in the title line and a line below the title line. You will need to create a ext2\3\4 persistence file (ext3 recommended as ext2 files are easily corrupted) using RMPrepUSB, see ***** Fedora + persistence - However, Fedora is different! ***** The sample menu provided in the E2B \_ISO\docs\Sample Mnu Files folder for Fedora+persistence only works if you have a FAT32 E2B USB drive - Fedora does not like NTFS volumes when 'flat-file' booting. Here is a way to add Fedora+persistence to an NTFS E2B USB drive (MBR and UEFI). The maximum size for the persistence file is 4GB because we will add it to a FAT32 .imgPTN partition. Let us start with MBR-booting 1. Download your Fedora Live ISO file - author used Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-25-1.3.iso and Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-33-1.2.iso worked. I used Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-35-1.2.iso 2. Install the MPI Tool Kit onto your Windows system 3. Drag-and-Drop the ISO onto the MPI_FAT32 Desktop shortcut. When prompted for a size, you must add the amount of space you want to use for persistence - e.g. add 500MB to the suggested size. Do not add more than 4GB as we cannot create a file >4GB for the persistence file. 4. Copy the resultant .imgPTN file to your E2B USB drive (e.g. \_ISO\LINUX\Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-25-1.3.imgPTN). Rename the file extension to .imgPTN23 if you have agFM on your E2B USB drive. 5. Run the \_ISO\SWITCH_E2B.exe utility and double-click on the .imgPTN file to switch in the new Fedora partition as partition #1. Check in Explorer that you can now see a \LiveOS folder on the USB drive. 6. Edit the \menu.lst to add in the following lines to the bottom of the file... title FEDORA with persistence (/fedora.img)\n Boot to Fedora with persistence uuid () > nul set UUID=%?% echo UUID=%UUID% if not exist /fedora.img echo WARNING: Changes will not be remembered unless a /fedora.img ext file is created! && pause kernel /syslinux/vmlinuz root=live:UUID=%UUID% rootfstype=auto rw quiet splash rhgb rd.luks=0 xdriver=vesa nomodeset initrd /syslinux/initrd.img boot Tip: add vga=ask after nomodeset if you cannot see a Desktop and try a different graphics mode. 7. Run a recent version of RMPrepUSB.exe, select the USB drive and click on the Create Ext2\3\4 button, then use the following settings: Ext Filename: fedora.img (all lower case) Volume Name: LIVE (anything you like here!) Size: YYY (where YYY is the remaining amount of free space in the FAT32 partition - use Explorer to tell you how much free space there is) Ext type: ext3 (ext3 is more resilient than ext2 - you can use ext4 if you wish but it may run Fedora slightly slower than ext3) 10. Now boot on a real system in MBR mode and check it works. If you change the Desktop wallpaper, the change should be persistent. Note: Only after booting on a real system first, was I then able to successfully boot under VBox! Select the Microsoft OneDrive cloud icon in the taskbar or menu bar. Select OneDrive Help and Settings iconHelp & Settings > Settings. In the Account tab, select Unlink this PC or Unlink this Mac. The OneDrive setup screen will appear; ignore it for now, but don't close it. Next, move your OneDrive for home or OneDrive for work or school folder. Using File Explorer or Mac Finder, drag the OneDrive folder to your preferred location. slowwwwwwwww Go back to the OneDrive setup screen, select Get started, and then follow the instructions until you get to the screen where you can change your OneDrive folder's location. Select Change Location, choose the new folder location, and then select OK. You'll see a message letting you know that the OneDrive folder in the new location already has files in it. Select Use this location, and then finish setting up OneDrive. If you had chosen to sync only some folders before the reset, you'll need to do that again once sync has completed. See Choose which OneDrive folders to sync to your computer for more information. You'll need to complete this for your personal OneDrive and OneDrive for work or school. Sometimes, Windows 10 fails to boot because of problems with the master boot record. In these cases, repairs need to be made to the master boot record. Windows 10 recovery environment includes an automated option for doing just that. And if that doesn?t work, you can do it manually in the command prompt. When your computer starts : 1. BIOS or UEFI Firmware is loaded, 2. which performs a small set of checks on your hardware called the Power On Self Test (POST) 3. BIOS then scans HDMBR (hard disk master boot record) 4. HDMBR loads an essential file into main memory WINLOAD.EXE 5. This kicks off the start-up process by loading the NTOSKRNL.EXE (NT Kernel, the heart of Windows) 6. and HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) 7. Windows 10 then performs tasks such as initializing your hardware like your mouse and keyboard and reading the Windows Registry and user profile. Performing a Startup Repair --------------------------- The first thing you can try is booting into the RECOVERY ENVIRONMENT, if possible, and then performing a startup repair. To access the recovery environment, turn your computer on and off three times. While booting, make sure you turn off the computer when you see the Windows logo. After the third time, Windows 10 will boot into diagnostics mode. Click Advanced options when the recovery screen appears. Click Troubleshoot. Click Advanced options. Then, click Startup Repair. Fix Windows 10 Winload.exe Using the Command Prompt --------------------------------------------------- If you are unable to perform a startup repair, then your next option is to try using your Windows 10 installation media to fix the boot error. If you don?t have installation media, you will need to go to a working computer and Create a Windows 10 USB Bootable Flash Drive. You can also go to a working Windows 10 PC and create a recovery drive. When using a USB drive, make sure to set up your BIOS to boot from the USB drive. After booting into setup, choose the Repair Computer option > Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt. If you are using a recovery drive, click Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt. Once you have the command prompt up on the screen, you will need to issue a set of commands to find and resolve issues that might be preventing your computer from booting. Type BOOTREC /FIXMBR and hit <Enter>. This command will attempt to fix any corruption issues with the master boot record. If all goes well, you should see The operation completed successfully. Next, type BOOTREC /FIXBOOT then hit <Enter>. This command will attempt to write a new boot sector on the hard disk if Windows detects damage. Usually, this happens in cases where an older version of Windows was installed, or a non-compatible operating system such as Linux was installed. If you are seeing an error such as Boot Manager is Missing, then the BOOTREC /RebuildBcd command might be able to fix it. This operation can also restore boot entries for older versions of Windows if you have a dual boot configuration. If BOOTREC /RebuildBcd does not work, then Microsoft recommends you back up your BCD (Boot Configuration Data) store, then run the BOOTREC /RebuildBcd command again. Here is how you do it. bcdedit /export C:\BCD_Backup c: cd boot attrib bcd -s -h -r ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old bootrec /RebuildBcd Another option if you are dual booting with older versions of Windows such as Windows 7 is the BOOTREC /ScanOs command. The ScanOS command can find and restore entries for older versions of Windows. What if None of These Options Work? ----------------------------------- Your next best option is to try salvaging your data and then reinstalling Windows 10 and your applications. If you have your Windows 10 install media, you can boot from it, then perform a custom install. This will create an archive of the old installation called Windows.old. You can then recover your personal files from this folder. Make sure you perform a custom install that migrates your Windows.old data. Otherwise, all your data will be erased. If you don?t want to risk overwriting your data by reinstalling Windows, check out this article on How to Recover Data from a Hard Drive that Won?t Boot. Conclusion ----------------- That?s a look at repairing a broken Windows 10 installation. While these occurrences should be exceedingly rare for most everyday users, they can occur during riskier operations, like reinstalling Windows, resizing partitions, or SETTING UP A DUAL BOOT. While the steps above can help, it?s always a good idea to perform a thorough backup in advance. After a failed Ubuntu installation due to corrupt files, I ended up with an unbootable system. I couldn?t boot into my Windows 10. Tried the above and didn?t work. The /fixmbr always claims to be successful, but /fixboot comes up with ?not found?. I had to boot Ubuntu live usb, then marked my windows partition as bootable. Thereafter, I followed the sequence /fixmbr ?successfull? /fixboot ?access denied? ?!!! /rebuildbcd ?successful? Finally I was able to boot. Easy BCD from NeoSmart is a superb way to clear up most of these issues as well, and it?s free for non-commercial use. Might take a look at it if you haven?t yet?I build computers for a living and I?ve been using it for years. It?s ESPECIALLY helpful for multi-boot systems (I have 4 bootable drives on mine: Win 10 Pro, LINUX, Win 7 Ult. and Win 10 Home)?this was a godsend for me, as 2 of those OS?s boot from M.2 drives, 1 from a standard HDD and 1 from an SSD? that tends to scramble ANY boot record :-) Easy BCD from Neosmart screwed up my computer royally and I advice against using it. There are no instructions on how to use it and it disabled my computer completely. I had to purchase a new Windows 10 to fix the damage it caused.