PHP Classes

File: buildform.class.php

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  Classes of razvan   Build Form Class   buildform.class.php  
File: buildform.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: The class
Class: Build Form Class
Generate forms to edit MySQL table records
Author: By
Last change: This class was UPDATED:

- tabindex was added - (thanks to David Hyland)
- surrounding <div> for all fields no matter if they are in a fieldset or not - (thanks to David Hyland)
- extracting only the fields we need from database instead of using * (all) - (thanks to David Hyland)
- added IDs (= fieldname or fieldname_number for radio buttons) for all fields - (thanks to David Hyland)
- added a function to clean the variables which are used in a mysql query (to prevent sql injection)
- added htmlentities function for the fields we get from database (to prevent html errors in the form)
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 20,622 bytes

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