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File: views/ordit/report.php

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  Classes of Stefan Jibrail Froelich   Ordit Kohana ORM Audit   views/ordit/report.php   Download  
File: views/ordit/report.php
Role: Sample output
Content type: text/plain
Description: Sample output
Class: Ordit Kohana ORM Audit
Track calls to Kohana framework ORM classes
Author: By
Last change: Update of views/ordit/report.php
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 2,515 bytes


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<?php function get_log_class($act) { switch($act) { case 'create': return 'success'; break; case 'update': return 'warning'; break; case 'delete': return 'error'; break; } } ?> <h2><?php echo $header ?></h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="row filter-form"> <form name="mapping-filter" action="" class="pull-right"> Action <select class="input-small" name="actions" onchange="location='<?php echo URL::site("ordit/$active_month/$active_day")?>/' + options[selectedIndex].value"> <option value="">--All--</option> <?php foreach (Ordit::$Types as $type): $select = ($log_action == $type) ? 'selected' : ''; echo "<option $select value=\"" . $type . '">' . strtoupper($type) . '</option>'; endforeach; ?> </select>&nbsp; </form> </div> <table class="zebra-striped" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <th>Action</th> <th>Time</th> <th>Model</th> <th>Values</th> <th>User</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($logs as $log):?> <tr> <td> <span class="label <?php echo get_log_class($log->action) ?>"> <?php echo $log->action ?> </span> </td> <td> <?php echo date('H:i:s', strtotime($log->timestamp_created)) ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $log->model ?> </td> <td> <?php if($log->action == 'update'): ?> <table> <th>Column</th> <th>Original</th> <th>Current</th> <?php foreach(json_decode($log->values) as $k => $value): ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $k ?></td> <td><?php echo $value->original ?></td> <td><?php echo $value->updated ?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach?> </table> <?php else: ?> <table> <th>Column</th> <th>Value</th> <?php foreach(json_decode($log->values) as $k => $value): ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $k ?></td> <td><?php echo $value ?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach?> </table> <?php endif ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $log->user ?> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table>