// -------------- Summary
// Example of use of the wordDocumentHandler class
// -------------- Author
// Logan Dugenoux - 2003
// [email protected]
// http://www.peous.com/logan/
// -------------- License
// GPL
@set_time_limit( 60 ); // cleaning is sometimes very long depending on options
require ("wordDocumentHandler.php");
// ############### Put here the name of a MsWord document ###################
$myWordFile = "my doc file.doc";
// The class
$w = new wordDocumentHandler();
$txt = $w->convertWordDocumentToString( $myWordFile , "htm" );
if (!$txt)
die( $w->GetLastError() );
echo "Conversion to string ok. Output len :".strlen($txt)."<br>";
$w->cleanWordHTML( $txt );
echo "Cleaned string len :".strlen($txt)."<br>";
$outFile = $myWordFile.".html";
if (!$w->convertWordDocumentToFile( $myWordFile ,$outFile , "htm" ))
die( $w->GetLastError() );
echo "Conversion to file ok.<br>";