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  Classes of Aleksey Nemiro   PHP ASP.NET WebForms   index.json   Download  
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Description: Documentation
Class: PHP ASP.NET WebForms
Emulation of ASP.NET WebForms engine in PHP
Author: By
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Date: 9 years ago
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[ { "Key": "Brief", "Value": "WebForms.PHP - is an unfinished (forever) engine web forms for PHP" }, { "Key": "WhatItIs", "Value": "<h2>What it is?</h2><p>This project is an attempt embodiment ASP.NET WebForms in PHP.</p><p>Today WebForms.PHP - this template engine, HTML components and the beginnings of Framework for web sites creation in PHP.</p>" }, { "Key": "WhyIsNotCompleted", "Value": "<h2>Why is not completed?</h2><p>It was decided to abandon PHP to ASP.NET, and there was no more need for the development of this project.</p><p>But this does not mean that PHP is a bad language. PHP has its own characteristics and advantages, but in .NET is better implemented the principles of OOP (Object-oriented programming), which allows to create more complex projects.</p>" }, { "Key": "CanIUseItOrNot", "Value": "<h2>This engine can be used?</h2><p>At your own risk, it can be used in small projects or educational purposes.</p><p>The current version has been used only for technical projects: Control and Admin Panels.</p><p>Please note that the author will not develop the project and will not provide technical support.</p>" }, { "Key": "Features", "Value": "<hr /><h2>Features</h2><ul><li>Template engine;</li><li>Code Separation;</li><li>HTML Compression;</li><li>Generation of standard controls with saving the state of the elements after the form is submitted (<strong>TextBox</strong>, <strong>CheckBox</strong>, <strong>RadioButton</strong>, <strong>DropDownList</strong> etc.);</li><li>User controls with the ability to place them in the markup;</li><li>Support for application-level, pages- and usercontrols- events.;</li><li>Localization;</li><li>Classes for working with collections;</li><li>Methods of word processing;</li><li>Classes for <strong>MySql</strong> and <strong>PostgreSQL</strong> (<a href=\"\">optional</a>);</li><li>Server implementation <code>console</code>.</li></ul>" }, { "Key": "Schema", "Value": "How it works?" }, { "Key": "Formula", "Value": "Formula" }, { "Key": "Step1", "Value": "To start using the engine, <a href=\"${DownloadUrl}\" class=\"btn-download\">download</a> and unpack the source code archive. The engine is in the <strong>/Nemiro</strong> folder. Place this folder in the root of your site. Change the directory name is not recommended because in the code are hard links to the files in that folder." }, { "Key": "Step2", "Value": "Place in the site root two files: <strong>config.php</strong> ? <strong>global.php</strong>. You can take a sample of the <strong>config.sample.php</strong> and <strong>global.sample.php</strong> from the <strong>/Nemiro</strong> folder." }, { "Key": "Step22", "Value": "Make the desired configuration options in the <strong>config.php</strong>." }, { "Key": "PAGE_DEFAULT_CACHE", "Value": "page caching (true|false)" }, { "Key": "PAGE_COMPRESS_HTML", "Value": "HTML compression (true|false)" }, { "Key": "DEBUG_MODE", "Value": "enable debug mode (true|false)" }, { "Key": "MAIN_PATH", "Value": "the path to the site root" }, { "Key": "PAGE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE", "Value": "the file path of the default template" }, { "Key": "PAGE_DEFAULT_TITLE", "Value": "the title of pages by default" }, { "Key": "PAGE_DEFAULT_TITLE2", "Value": "Name your site here" }, { "Key": "PAGE_DEFAULT_ENCODE", "Value": "the default encoding" }, { "Key": "META", "Value": "meta tags" }, { "Key": "META_DESCRIPTION", "Value": "Description of your site here" }, { "Key": "META_KEYWORDS", "Value": "Keywords of your site here" }, { "Key": "META_AUTHOR", "Value": "Author name here" }, { "Key": "Step3", "Value": "Create a template file that you specified in the parameter <code>PAGE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE</code>." }, { "Key": "Step32", "Value": "Template - the <strong>HTML</strong> file with the special labels for content. In the following example, in the template defined two blocks of content (two markers): <code>&lt;php:Head/&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;php:MainContent/&gt;</code>. Words <code>Head</code> and <code>MainContent</code> - identifiers of the content blocks. You can use any names, but only english letters and numbers, no special signs. Blocks of content can be any number." }, { "Key": "Step4", "Value": "Create a content page. For example: <strong>index.php</strong>. Specify content for the necessary blocks of content (not necessarily for all). Do not forget to include the <strong>global.php</strong>: <code>require_once 'global.php';</code> and start the magic: <code>Nemiro\\App::Magic();</code>." }, { "Key": "Step5", "Value": "Enjoy! <small>(or debugging :-) ...)</small>" }, { "Key": "UserControls2", "Value": "User controls" } ]