HuangHaifeng - 2012-03-21 02:31:54
I am so sorry,I am not good at English.
So,,,perhaps ,it is hard to understand what I will say...
My php ver is PHP4.4.4
I used the code
require "zip.class.php";
$zipfile = new zipfile;
$zipfile->create_file(file_get_contents("example.txt"), "example.txt");
// Then, for example, you could save the file as example.zip
$fh = fopen("example.zip", "wb"); // Remember to use the "b" flag when saving non-ASCII files
fwrite($fh, $zipfile->zipped_file()); // Write the contents
fclose($fh); // Close the file
I dont know,I have no idea,
why the created zip file's size is always 1 kb?
is version's quetion? or what?