 Mariusz Bieniek - 2007-11-17 16:59:26
Hello Cesar,
ive downloaded and tested your class. Its wonderful. Thanks for your efforts and for doing it! Nice job!
I have an question. At the moment the files are called directly so for example welcome.php is called and then its inlcuding the site structure index.php. Would it be possible to allow to work it like this?:
links like this => index.php?page=home
index.php could have an area like this:
$files = array(
"home" => "home.php",
"about" => "about.php",
"copyleft" => "copyleft.php"
if($_GET['page'] == ""){
$_GET['page'] = "home";
if(isset($_GET['page']) && isset($files[$_GET['page']])){
} else {
echo "<strong>Sorry.</strong><br />Page not found.";
Would that be also ok or do you want to allow it only the way it is at the moment? Is it realizable?
 Cesar D. Rodas - 2007-11-17 22:44:52 - In reply to message 1 from Mariusz Bieniek
I was analyzing how to implement your request. And the easiest way to implement is that "ajax sections" could handle "callback functions" and php files.
So, when the paremeter is a callback (as in this example), it will be executed, otherwise, it will included.
This example will work if you link go to the main page, in the example the main page is "index.php", and will work only with "index.php?foo=bar".
Also will work if you going directly to the file "welcome.php".
/* this is the page definition */
function bottom_handler() {
//you must write here
//your method to page
if ( found ) {
} else {
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
header('Status: 404 Not Found');
What do you think of my solution proposal?
Best regards
 Mariusz Bieniek - 2007-11-18 00:35:54 - In reply to message 1 from Mariusz Bieniek
Wow, fast response. Thanks for your time Cesar.
Iam not such an expert as you are. If you think this is the best way to do it then it is :-)
Will you include it in your release or will this be just an individual solution here? Will it still work when javascript is disabled as in your org. class (very important if you ask me)?
 Cesar D. Rodas - 2007-11-18 17:48:02 - In reply to message 3 from Mariusz Bieniek
The autoajax works with or without javascript. :-)
And I will include that solution, and also I'll include a solution with a URL Rewrite Engine (my last class) tomorrow, and that will hide the real file name and will avoid the use of $_GET, I think is better to use with a URL rewrite, what do u think?
 Mariusz Bieniek - 2007-11-19 04:07:02 - In reply to message 4 from Cesar D. Rodas
I think this is a very nice enhancement your URL Rewrite Engine. If I would start today a new project I would use your solution (Auto Ajax with URL Rewrite Engine) :-).
At the moment I have already a bigger project running where I cant change URLīs for now. So I will try to include the ?page=welcome method and look how good it will work. Will you update this thread as soon as you manage to finish the changes?
 larry pappas - 2008-02-29 00:57:45 - In reply to message 4 from Cesar D. Rodas