Viktor Rostas - 2011-03-08 13:18:00
Hello. Im using your calendar classes in project. I need take information from database to the calendar table. Every cell in table has form input with value hour,day,month,year. And I need take information from database where hour,day,month,year for each cell has rezervation in db. I want make something like rezervation callendar where people will see if the hour is full or not. Im trying it like this>
in function WeekTable in last cycle for ($i=7; $i < 21;$i++) im taking information .$i."&".$diaEnlace[$n]["dia"]."&".$diaEnlace[$n]["mes"]."&".$diaEnlace[$n]["ano"]."' and in loop i reading data from database where my_month == $diaEnlace[$n]["mes"]. Its allways give me only first day information in week calendar. Could you help me how to solve it?