PLSCIS PLP - 2013-12-21 18:48:09 -
In reply to message 1 from John Chang
Hi John Chang,
I have added few sample files.
Hope this helps.
You can also add phpmailer package (extract phpmailer files to lib/phpmailer and configure smtp in classes/class.Mail.php file).
Also make sure web server user have read & write permission for files and folders under files/, tmp/, pub/ (used to store uploaded files) and h/ folders.
If these steps open sc.php in web browser and enter username, valid email and a password. If account exists you will be logged in else a verification mail will be send to specified email.
Once verification also completed you can then every time login to the system using those details.
New account (new profile file) is created only if profile file with those details are not found.
So, if using it with any RDBMS server, you can maintain one profile file for each user and it will start working for them.
Moreover you can easily modify registration code or even remove it or manage login using data from RDBMS server.
Login, registration and change password requests are handled from 'chkusr.php' file.
Note: this system does not even use session. If you are integrating it into a project you might need to code to manage sessions.
You can also contact me from http://plsein.tk/site/contact