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PHP Event Mediator: Emit and listen to events using a mediator object

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2018-07-18 (1 month ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStar 59%Total: 241 All time: 7,739 This week: 306Up
Version License PHP version Categories
event-mediator 2.0.1GNU General Publi...7.0Libraries, Design Patterns, PHP 7, Tr...
Description Author

This package allows to emit and listen to events using a mediator object.

It provides a class that implements the mediator design pattern to perform operations with objects of classes that abstract emitted events and listeners that process those events when they happened.

Currently it can add a listener to a given event by name, or add a subscriber, get the listeners a given event name, check if a given event name has listeners, remove a listener to a given event, remove a subscriber and trigger a event.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2016
Number 9

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
The mediator pattern allows applications to manage interaction between different types of objects using a single object.

This package can manage events and listeners using a mediator design pattern object to manage all the involved types of objects.

Manuel Lemos
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x

Winner: 1x



SensioLabsInsight<br/><br/> Travis-ci: Build Status<br/> Scrutinizer-ci: Scrutinizer Code Quality<br/> Coveralls: Coverage Status

A general event mediator (dispatcher) with minimal dependencies so it is easy to drop in and use.


The recommended way to install Event-Mediator is using Composer from Packagist with:

composer require dragonrun1/event-mediator

You can also get it as a zip file from GitHub.


Licensing information can be found in the LICENSE file.


Most people might know event mediator as an event dispatcher instead and both names would have worked. The reason I choose to call it a mediator is it follows the mediator pattern. For those of you that are familiar with Symfony 2 and it's EventDispatcher component then Event Mediator started out as basically a drop in replace for it without the (IMHO) huge dependence overhead often seen with Symfony components. Event Mediator has since grown into something better since then I think.

To get a better understanding about Event-Mediator and how you might use it check out Understanding Event-Mediator


* Started new 2.0-dev branch with many BC breaking changes. * The 1.0 series is now end of life and all application developers should update to newer 2.0 versions ASAP. If your code only used the listener methods the move should be easy with few changes needed. If application uses any of the subscriber stuff you will need to update the returned event array to reflect the new expected format.

For a more complete understand of the changes refer to the commit messages and new code.

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Really needs some docs.
2 years ago (Colin McKinnon)